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The Wolf of Wall Street - Leo’s Cheeks

REVIEW: THE WOLF OF WALL STREET By James Skipp @JamesSkipp There was one thought that kept gnawing at my brain during a recent trip to see Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street: was it possible to cook a three-course meal inside Leonardo (…)

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En France, les fans de séries télé se sont fait une raison : la plupart des bonnes séries ne sont pas de chez nous. Le paysage télévisuel français a effectivement tendance à nous fournir une quantité incommensurable de choses inqualifiables en (…)

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Kick Ass

Superheroes are something else; it’s what makes them super. The premise of Kick Ass is to make ‘the superhero’ just another performance that any geek in a wetsuit can pull off. In fact, white nerd Dave Lizewski’s turn as Kick Ass is almost as (…)

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