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Site Map
- Sophia Carr-Gomm on Return
- Latin American highlights - Clermont-Ferrand FF 2025: Aferrado
- Latin American highlights - Clermont-Ferrand FF 2025: Lanawaru
- Latin American highlights - Clermont-Ferrand FF 2025: Jacaré
- Latin American highlights - Clermont-Ferrand FF 2025: Servicio Necrologico Para Usted
- A Short Film About Kids: Bethlehem-based Ibrahim Handal on his second ClermontFF entry
- Q&A with Dwan Kaoukji, director of Canary in a Coal Mine
- Q&A with Morad Mostafa, director of I Promise You Paradise - Clermont-Ferrand 2024
- Q&A with Phoebe Arnstein, director of If You’re Happy - Clermont-Ferrand 2024
- Q&A with Ruth Hunduma - Director of The Medallion - LSFF & Clermont-Ferrand 2024
- Q&A with Beth Rowland, director of Bury The Dogs - Clermont-Ferrand 2024
- Q&A with Elham Ehsas, director of Yellow - Clermont-Ferrand 2024
- Queer joy, in all its beautiful, glorious power! Remy Enceladus on “Straight Girl”
- The unwelcoming side of Britain: Beru Tessema on Lions
- Retour sur mon premier court : Laura Goncalves
- Jawahine Zentar on Sur la tombe de mon père #ClermontFF23
- Interview with Binghan Lin, director of The Trapped Pig
- Richard Misek on his short A History of the World According to Getty Images
- Isabella Margara on her short Nothing Holier than a Dolphin
- Laura Gonçalves on her short "O Homem do Lixo"
- Dwayne LeBlanc on Civic, at the Brasserie du Court
- "There is a radical desire for the unknown and of otherness": Soufiane Adel on One Day When I Was Lost
- Interview with Kamal Aljafari, director of Paradiso, XXXI, 108
- Salar Pashtoonyar on Bad Omen at the Brasserie
- Sensitive and important well-stitched short: Salar Pashtoonyar on Hills and Moutains
- Interview with Enrique Buleo, director of Las Visitantes
- Kevin Steen on Daron, Daron Colbert
- Leo Blandino on Bitume at the Brasserie
- Interview with Trinidad Plass, Titouan Tillier and Isaac Wenzek, co-directors of Ressources humaines
- Joséphine Darcy Hopkins on Les Dents du bonheur
- Sasha Argirov on his film Nurture at the Brasserie
- Claudia Bottino on A Trois / The Three Of Us
- Yann Gonzalez at the Brasserie - Clermont Film Festival 2023
- SPOTLIGHT ON... Baghdad Messi, 2012
- Genre, warehouse shoots & the "alternative" cinema of Bangladesh with Moshari’s Nuhash Humayun
- The Place That Is Ours - Zena Agha & Dorothy Allen-Pickard
- Interview with Ezequiel Salinas and Ramiro Sonzini, co-directors of Mi Última Aventura (My Last Adventure)
- Interview with Annette Westwood, director of This Little Girl
- Interview wih Katherine Propper, director of Birds
- Interview with Sander Joon, director of Sierra
- Interview with Simon London, director of That Workman’s Arm
- Interview with Janloup Bernard, director of J’avais un camarade [I Had a Comrade]
- Interview with Geordy Couturiau, director of La Flûte enchantée [The Magic Flute]
- Interview with Ingrid Chikhaoui, director of Trois grains de gros sel [Three Grains of Coarse Salt]
- Interview with Lauriane Lagarde, director of Un corps brûlant [A Free Run]
- Interview with Marian Freistühler, director of Die Geheimnisvollen Inseln [Islands in the City]
- Interview with Frédéric Bas and Caroline Brami, co-directors of L’Inspection
- Interview with Alexandra Brodski, director of Joy
- Interview with Victor Trifilieff, director of Les Curiosités du mal [The Hunt of the Unicorn]
- Interview with Michael Bohnenstingl, director of Slouch
- Interview with Aurélie Reinhorn, director of Son Altesse Protocole
- Interview with Ihsen Kammoun, director of Road to El Kef
- Interview with Andrea Szelesová, director of Sestry [Sisters]
- Interview with Guillaume Fournier, Samuel Matteau and Yannick Nolin, directors of Belle River
- Interview with Arthur Cahn, director of Jeudi, vendredi, samedi
- Interview with Lisa Giacchero, director of L’Arrivée du soleil dans votre signe [The Sun’s Entry Into Your Sign]
- Interview with Omar Kamara, director of Mass Ave
- Interview with Diana Cam Van Nguyen, director of Love, Dad
- Interview with Clémence Le Gall, director of Le Chant du feu [The Light’s Song]
- Interview with Bill Morrison, director of Her Violet Kiss
- Interview with Dania Bdeir, director of Warsha
- Interview with Daniel Cook, director of The Bayview
- Interview with Maythem Ridha, director of Ali and His Miracle Sheep
- Interview with Chanrado Sok and Kongkea Vann, directors of Somleng Reatrey [Sound of the Night]
- Interview with Olive Nwosu, director of Egúngún [Masquerade]
- Interview with Émilie Pigeard, co-director of Babičino Seksualno Življenje [Granny’s Sexual Life]
- Interview with Gina Kippenbroeck, director of Ensom Cowgirl [Lonely Cowgirl]
- Interview with Dania Reymond-Boughenou, director of Constellation de la Rouguière [Constellation]
- Interview with Yanis Belaid, Eliott Benard, Nicolas Mayeur, Étienne Moulin, Hadrien Pinot, Lisa Vicente, Philippine Singer, Alice Letailleur, co-directors of Les Larmes de la Seine [Seine’s Tears]
- Interview with Vincent Le Port, director of La Marche de Paris à Brest [Walking from Paris to Brest]
- Interview with George-Alex Nagle, director of Mate
- Interview with Rakan Mayasi, director of Trumpets in the Sky
- Interview with Ali Cabbar, director of Bahçeler Put Kesildi [Gardens petrified]
- Interview with Christoph Büttner, director of In Seiner Gnade [In His Mercy]
- Interview with Valéry Carnoy, director of Titan
- Interview with Romain Dumont, director of Au plaisir les ordures ! (See You Garbage!)
- Interview with Olivier van Malderghem, director of Au Circuit (At the Circuit)
- Interview with Ramata-Toulaye Sy, director of Astel
- Interview with Michael Graversen and Florian Elabdi, co-directors of Ghosts of Mória
- Interview with Marthe Sébille, director of Que la Bête monte
- Interview with Varun Raman and Tom Hancock, co-directors of Man or Tree
- Interview with Pablo Serret de Ena, director of Useless Opera Singers
- Interview with Marin Gérard, director of À l’ombre l’après-midi
- Interview with Assaad Khoueiry, director of A Broken Fan
- Interview with Fan Sissoko, director of On the Surface
- Interview with Julien Regnard, director of Night Watch
- Interview with Gabriel González Acosta, director of Concertina
- Interview with Anne-Sophie Bailly, director of La Ventrière [The Midwife]
- Interview with Olivier Bayu Gandrille, director of TNT
- Interview with Steven Fraser, director of Prosopagnosia
- Interview with Lila Pinell, director of Le roi David
- Interview with Carlos Segundo, director of Sideral
- Interview with Marthe Sebille director of Que La Bete Monte
- Interview with Morad Mostafa, director of Khadiga
- Q&A with Mila Araoz, director of FILMS OF FURY - EFN CRITICS’ AWARD WINNER
- Warton’s war on Yemen, directed by Phil Miller
- Floppy Toast with Drippy Butter, dir. by Paul Stainthorpe
- Q&A with Tiffany Tong, director of MOTH - EFN CRITICS’ AWARD WINNER
- Q&A with Zillah Bowes, director of STAYING - EFN AUDIENCE AWARD WINNER
- Interview with Charline Bourgeois-Tacquet
- Short of the Week: Stones in Hand by Mo’min Swaitat
- I Am An Island, dir. by Damian Draven
- Interview with Denis Dobrovoda, director of Savage
- Interview with Audrey Jean-Baptiste and Maxime Jean-Baptiste, codirectors of Écoutez le battement de nos images
- Interview with Zachary Woods, director of David
- Interview with Ibrahim Handal, director of Bethlehem 2001
- Interview with Sami Tlili, director of Hors-jeu flagrant [Obvious Offside]
- Interview with Wissam Charaf, Director of Pas de Panique [Don’t Panic]
- Interview with Ramzi Bashour, director of The Trees
- Interview with Alexe Poukine, director of Palma
- Interview with Lorna Nickson Brown, director of Ned And Me
- Interview with Suzannah Mirghani, director of Al-sit
- Interview with Don Josephus Raphael Eblahan, director of Hilum (Remedy) - AWARD WINNER!
- Interview with Joanna Quinn and Les Mills, director and writer of Affairs of the Art
- Interview with Nyima Cartier, director of L’homme silencieux [A Quiet Man]
- Interview with Rayka Zehtabchi and Sam Davis, directors of Are You Still There?
- Q&A with the team behind Coffin
- Interview with Sophie Beaulieu, director of Salem
- Interview with Antoine Beauvois-Boetti, director of Le Cercle d’Ali [Ali’s Circle]
- Interview with Alice Fargier, director of Le temps d’une nuit [The Time of Night]
- Interview with Theo Montoya, director of Son of Sodom
- Interview with Anna Szöllősi, director of Helfer
- Interview with Sam White, director of Friends Online
- Interview with Guillaume Mainguet, director of Vincent Before Noon
- Interview with Ariq Khan, director of Transit
- Interview with Paul Mas, director of Précieux [Precious]
- Interview with Daniel Gray, director of HIDE
- Q&A with Brendan Canty, director of Jam
- Q&A with Theja Rio and Nancy Beso, dir and prod of Angh
- Q&A with Bastien Dubois, director of Souvenir Souvenir
- Winter Edition Line-Up!
- EFN True Grit Award Winners
- TRUE GRIT! EFN reveals its autumn edition...
- Interview with Louis Chan, director of Stationary
- Interview with Emma Gilbertson, director of Crashing Waves
- BOTTLED-UP! The 7 finalists of the next EFN event - 29 June 2020
- Short of the Week: Reclaiming Work - Countering the gig economy
- Emerging Filmmakers Night - Q&A with Paul Frankl
- Emerging Filmmakers Night - Q&A with Ben Mallaby
- Q&A with Tatevik Vardanyan, director of District 16, 16 Floors, 16 People
- Q&A with Rob Summons - director of Skewwhiff
- Q&A with Johanna Pyykkö - director of The Manila Lover
- Emerging Filmmakers Night introduces live-streamed film parties
- Short Of The Week: Denis Villeneuve’s Next Floor
- Q&A with Pierre Mouzannar, dir. An Arabian Night - Clermont 2020 award winner
- Q&A with Mostafa Morad, dir. Henet Ward - Clermont 2020
- Q&A with Shanawaz Nellikunnil, dir. 405 - Clermont 2020
- Q&A with Shady Srour, dir. Oslo - Clermont 2020
- Q&A with Hamza Bangash, dir. Stray Dogs Come Out At Night - Clermont 2020
- Q&A with Sofia Alaoui, dir. Qu’importe si les bêtes meurent [So What if the Goats Die] - Clermont 2020
- Q&A with Paul Howard Allen, dir. Mega Sexy Robot Dinosaur - Clermont 2020
- Q&A with Ross McClean, dir. Hydebank - Clermont 2020
- Q&A with Baloji, dir. Zombies - Clermont 2020 PRIX FESTIVALS CONNEXION AUVERGNE-RHÔNE-ALPES
- Q&A with Aurélie Reinhorn, dir. Raout Pacha - Double winner - Prix du rire « Fernand Raynaud » & Canal+ Award for the National Competition - Clermont 2020 Grand Prize
- Q&A with Anthony Nti, dir. Da Yie - Clermont 2020 Grand Prize
- Q&A with Farah Nabulsi, dir. The Present - Clermont 2020 Audience Award
- Q&A with Lars Vega, co-dir. Väntan På Döden / Awaiting Death - Canal+ AwardClermont 2020
- Q&A with Thomas Vernay, dir. Miss Chazelles - Clermont 2020
- Q&A with Gabrielle Stemmer, dir. Clean With Me (After Dark)
- Q&A with Yves Gellie, dir. L’Année du robot - Clermont 2020
- Q&A with Mehdi Benallal, dir. Madame Baurès - Clermont 2020
- Q&A with Ioseb “Soso” Bliadze, dir. Tradition - Clermont 2020
- Q&A with Noël Fuzellier, dir. Mars Colony - ClermontFF 2020
- Q&A with Ariane Labed, dir. Olla - ClermontFF 2020
- Q&A with Antoine Bargain, dir. Disciplinaires - ClermontFF 2020
- Q&A with Valerie Barnhart, dir. The Girl in the Hallway - ClermontFF 2020
- Short of the Week: Ahmed’s Song, dir. Foued Mansour
- Court de la semaine : Nocturnes de Matthieu Bareyre
- Short of the Week: Nightmare of Gaza by Farah Nabulsi
- Short of the Week: Baghdad Messi
- Short of the Week: Carnal Orient by Mila Zuo
- Short of the Week: The Boy and The Sea by Samer Ajouri
- Short of the Week - Oksijan by Edward Watts
- Interview with Aung Rakhine, director of The Last Post Office
- Interview with Jian Luo, director of What Do You Know About the Water and the Moon
- Interview with Nick Jordan, director of Stratum
- Interview with Paul Szynol, director of The Pull
- Interview with Yves Piat, director of Nefta Football Club
- Alex Feggans, director of Jackrabbit
- ClermontFF2019 Interview with Jonathan Hodgson, director of Roughhouse
- ClermontFF2019 Interview with Vincent Lambe, director of Detainment
- ClermontFF2019 Entretien avec Vincent Lambe, réalisateur de Detainment (Garde à vue)
- ClermontFF2019 Lobo Mauro, director of Mais Triste que Chuva num Recreio de Colégio
- ClermontFF2019 Veljko Popovic, director of Biciklisti
- ClermontFF2019 Thomas Elley, director of Bølger [Open Spaces]
- ClermontFF2019 Swatted by Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis
- ClermontFF2019 Last Year When The Train Passed by Pang-Chuang Huang
- ClermontFF2019 En Busca de un Tierno Silencio by Luis Cifuentes
- ClermontFF2019 Destete by Ines Gowland
- ClermontFF2019 Ombligo de Agua by Laura Baumeister De Montis
- ClermontFF2019 Cadoul de Craciun / The Christmas Gift
- ClermontFF2019 Turbine by Alex Boya
- Short of the week: Sorry I Drowned by Studio Kawakeb and MSF
- Short of the Week: 6 Miles Out - One Day in the Life of Gaza Fishermen
- Short of the Week - The Postman by Vahid Keshavarz
- Interview avec Sylvain Cruiziat, director of Find Fix Finish
- Interview avec Clarisse Hahn, réalisatrice de Mescaline
- Interview avec Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis, réalisateur de Ondes Noires
- Interview avec Jules Follet, réalisateur de Waterfountain
- Video interview with Andrea Brusa & Marco Scotuzzi - Magic Alps
- Coups de coeur Brasserie du Court - Clermont-Ferrand 2018
- Short of the Week: Hot Dog Hands by Mark Reynolds
- Interviews : Isabelle Putod, réalisatrice du film L’exilé du temps
- Short of the Week: Q&A with Nick Jordan, director of Thought Broadcasting
- Short of the Week: Wañuy - Clermont-Ferrand 2017
- How To Be Human - SCI-FI LONDON
- Short of the Week: Q&A with Gunhild Enger & Jenni Toivoniemi, directors of Kommittén
- Short of the Week : Q&A with Gunhild Enger & Jenni Toivoniemi, directors of Kommittén
- Short of the Week: Squirrel Island - Clermont-Ferrand 2017
- Clermont-Ferrand Interviews: Bryony Dunne, director of Gasper
- Short of the Week: Johnno’s Dead - Clermont-Ferrand 2017
- Clermont-Ferrand Interviews: Douwe Dijkstra, director of Green Screen Gringo
- Clermont-Ferrand Interviews: Dania Bdeir, director of In White
- Clermont-Ferrand 2017 : TOP 5 #1
- Clermont-Ferrand Interviews: Daniel Mulloy, director of Home
- Short of the Week - GIRL.LONDON.NIGHT - Filmic Pro Winner
- Short of the Week - Mother
- Court de la semaine : Dernière porte au sud - Sacha Feiner & Chloé Morier
- Q&A with Nina Gantz, dir. of Edmond at Clermont 2016
- Short of the Week - William Walsh’s Remnants - 100 Hour Film Race
- Short of the Week - Glenn Paton’s H Positive - Clermont 2016
- Q&A with Glenn Paton, dir. of H Positive at Clermont 2016
- Clermont-Ferrand 2016 - Awards
- Q&A with Mark Chapman, dir. of Camrex at Clermont 2016
- Débat avec les réalisateurs de Au bruit des clochettes et Je ne suis pas un cygne
- ClermontFF16 - Lunch with Au bruit des clochettes (Brasserie du Court)
- Duncan Cowles : The Lady with the Lamp
- British presence at Clermont 2015
- La Cérémonie de Clôture – Festival de Clermont-Ferrand 2015
- Interview with Director Davy Chou, director of Cambodia 2099 Clermont-Ferrand Film Festival
- Interview with Director Bo Mirosseni - Clermont-Ferrand film festival
- Interview with Directors Zsuzsanna Kreif and Borbala Zétényi - Clermont-Ferrand film festival
- Interview with Director Jenny Teng - Clermont-Ferrand film festival
- Interview with Director Bertrand Mandico- Clermont-Ferrand film festival
- Interview with Director Daria Yurkevich- Clermont- Ferrand film festival
- Interview with Pierre-Emmanuel Urcun- Clermont- Ferrand Film Festival
- Short of the week- Mallets/Gong Close Up
- Short of the Week: BEAT by Aneil Karia
- Court de la semaine : BEAT by Aneil Karia
- Short of the Week: Travellers into the night - Ena Sendijarevic
- Court de la semaine : Travellers into the night - Ena Sendijarevic
- Court de la Semaine/Short of the Week: Slomo - Josh Izenberg
- Court de la semaine - SPECIAL GREENHORN : Sandyman - Ed Chappell
- Short of the Week SPECIAL GREENHORN: Sandyman - Ed Chappell
- Short of the Week - FIFIB 2014 - La Fugue - Jean Bernard Marlin
- Court de la semaine - FIFIB 2014 - La Fugue - Jean Bernard Marlin
- Court de la semaine : La Femme Côtelette - Mariette Auvray
- Court de la Semaine/Short of the Week special FIFIB : Tant qu’il nous reste des fusils à pompe de Caroline Poggi et Jonathan Vinel
- Court de la semaine/Short of the Week : Never like the first time - Jonas Odell
- Short of the Week: SPECIAL RAINDANCE Gone the Way of the Dodo by Liam Saint-Pierre
- Court de la semaine SPECIAL RAINDANCE : Gone the Way of the Dodo de Liam Saint-Pierre
- Court de la semaine : El Empleo - Santiago ’Bou’ Grasso
- Vinil Verde by Kleber Mendonca Filho
- Court de la semaine : Cool Unicorn Bruv by Ninian Doff
- Short of the Week: Joanna Quinn’s Britannia
- Court de la semaine : Britannia - Joanna Quinn
- Court de la semaine : Franssiss
- Short of the week : Don’t even think about it - Jannicke Stendal Hansen
- Court de la semaine : Don’t even think about it - Jannicke Stendal Hansen
- Court de la semaine : At the Suicide of the Last Jew in the World in the Last Cinema in the World
- Short of the Week: The Elephant’s Garden - Q&A with Felix Colgrave
- Court de la semaine : The Elephant’s Garden + Q&A avec Felix Colgrave
- Court de la semaine - The River de Sam Handel
- Saturday Short - Sam Handel’s The River
- Saturday Short : Next Floor - Denis Villeneuve
- Court de la semaine : Next Floor - Denis Villeneuve
- Court de la semaine : I Love You So Hard - Ross Butter
- Saturday short: I Love You So Hard - Ross Butter
- Saturday Short : Je Sens Le Beat Qui Monte En Moi
- Court de la semaine : Je sens le beat qui monte en moi - Yann LeQuellec
- Saturday Short : Skinningrove - Michael Almereyda
- Court de la semaine : Skinningrove - Michael Almereyda
- Court de la semaine : Orbit Ever After/Q&A et B.A.
- Short of the week: Orbit Ever After/Q&A and Trailer
- Q and A with scriptwriter and playwright Robin French
- BREAKFAST AVEC LA FUGUE - Clermont-Ferrand 2014
- BREAKFAST AVEC LA FUGUE - Clermont-Ferrand 2014
- Q and A with Chris Shepherd at Clermont-Ferrand 2014
- CLERMONT-FERRAND 2014 : Braconnière et Juke-Box
- Q and A with Lukasz Konopa, dir. of "Vegas" Clermont-Ferrand 2014
- Q and A Pablo Munoz Gomez - Clermont-Ferrand 2014
- Interview with Prano Bailey Bond - EN
- Prano Bailey Bond : interview - FR
- British presence at Clermont
- Une sélection de films – Clermont Ferrand 2013
- La Cérémonie de Clôture – Festival de Clermont-Ferrand 2013
- Interview-éclair avec Benjamin Parent
- L’engagement culturel avec Sauve qui peut le court-métrage
- Le Marché du Film avec Eric Geynes
- Le cinéma politique avec « The devil »
- Focus sur le cinéma indien avec Ophélie Wiel, auteure de "Bollywood et les autres"
- Le documentaire animé avec « Pieds Verts »
- Une sélection de films - Clermont Ferrand 2012
- Clermont Ferrand 2012
- Q and A l’équipe de Un Homme 2.0
- Quelques questions - sélection Silence on court !
- Snippets of British presence at Clermont 2011
- Korean director Jong-Chul Park and producer Yeun-Hee Chang
- iShorts programmer Petr Horak
- Clermont Ferrand 2011 jury member Réjane Ruby (FR/ENG)
- A cheer for shorts at the Clermont - Ferrand International Short Film Festival 2011
- Une sélection de films - Clermont Ferrand 2011
- In Vermiglio, the cold bites but it also keeps you alive.
- All We Imagine As Light - hope and despair in an indifferent urban jungle
- The Fisherman and the Banker: aesthetically powerful and ethically chilling
- Girls Will Be Girls Review: Being a Girl in a Man’s World
- Bye Bye Tiberias A hopeful by Lina Soualem - A hopeful and nostalgic ode to those we leave behind
- "It offered solace and an outlet in its silent form of rebellion" - Exploring Nüshu in Hidden Letters
- Unidentified Objects: A deftly made and good-looking sci-fi road movie
- Smoke Sauna Sisterhood - Healing, cleansing and unburdening in an Estonian sauna
- Loach bows out with a final, hopeful social commentary in The Old Oak
- El Conde - The brilliant yet alienating portrayal of Pinochet as a Gothic monster
- REVISITED: Our River... Our Sky - Maysoon Pachachi’s harrowing glimpse of daily life in 2006 Baghdad
- Mother Of All Lies: documentary hybrid trawling through layers of deception and willful oblivion
- "Holding onto traditions is part of the resistance, the refusal to be erased." Wajib by Annemarie Jacir
- A beguiling watch that centres human connection in its commentary on agricultural workers in Tunisia - Erige Sehiri’s Under The Fig Trees
- A healing treatment of love in its various forms: Maryam Touzani’s The Blue Caftan
- It demands the elders to confront their past and support their children: Memory Box, a trawl through the Lebanese Civil War
- Film and event! Bella Ciao: Song Of Rebellion - An exhaustive and rousing doc about the revolutionary anthem
- It’s a film that makes you question your position as a viewer: Patrick Muroni on Fierce: A Porn Revolution
- "C’est un film qui vous oblige à positionner votre regarder de spectateurice" : Patrick Muroni sur Ardente.x.s
- Haunted by unspoken grievances and abuse - The Shining in context
- Storytelling at its finest: Fadia’s Tree directed by Sarah Beddington
- Portrait of a fallible character that doesn’t gloss over his selfishness - Mike Leigh’s Mr Turner
- Epic in scope, carnivalesque in tone and almost unprecedented in style: A New Old Play
- Revisiting 2017! The Art Of Loving / Get Out
- Q&A with Andrea Brusa and Marco Scotuzzi, directors of Le Voci Sole (Lonely Voices)
- Nomadland take 2: A reconfiguration of a terribly dysfunctional society.
- Nomadland: A Romanticisation Of Misery?
- Pick of IFFR: Sexual Drive, directed by Yoshida Kota
- The Viewing Booth - Ra’anan Alexandrowicz’s thought experiment
- Mank: David Fincher’s Xanadu
- Caveat - A strong horror debut by Damian McCarthy
- Eternal Beauty : A Bold Representation of Mental Illness That Goes Beyond Dark Comedy
- Guest pick of the week: Suburra - Blood Of Rome
- Three New Documentaries To Watch Now
- A Pick Of Online Releases
- Soviet Hippies, directed by Terje Toomistu - UK Premiere
- The Ponds by Patrick McLennan & Samuel Smith - coming at Art House Crouch End
- Nightcleaners at Bertha DocHouse
- Support The Girls by Andrew Bujalski
- Knife + Heart (Un couteau dans le coeur) by Yann Gonzalez - Fragments 2019
- Searching Eva by Pia Hellenthal - Fragments 2019
- Woman at War by Benedikt Erlingsson - Q&A
- Possum
- Naila and the Uprising @DocHouse
- Southern Belle de Nicolas Peduzzi
- La Dream Team - Guillaume Coulaud pour A Voir A Lire
- "Vent du Nord" de Walid Mattar
- Play Your Gender at the Barbican
- ‘We are still here’: The Promise
- Get Out - "Timely representations of blackness"
- STRIKE A POSE - Q&A with the directors
- Preview! Close Relations - a rounded picture of the conflict in Ukraine
- La Sociale
- Miles Ahead
- Bessie
- Ave Maria - Oscars 2016
- Homme Less
- Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict - Bertha Dochouse
- Entertainment (2015)
- Worse than paradise - The Gleaners and I at Bertha Dochouse
- Love Is The Devil - Blu-Ray release
- The Legend of Barney Thomson
- Suffragette
- Divorce, Iranian Style
- Q&A with Oliver Nias, dir. of The Return at Raindance London
- Rocks in My Pockets
- How To Change The World: the birth of the modern eco-movement
- Pasolini
- Clear Lines Festival: Brave Miss World & The Unspeakable Crime: Rape
- Q&A with film maker Mark Brown, co-director of Corinthian
- La Ligne de Couleur, Paris press screening
- Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films
- Heaven Adores You
- The Hermitage Revealed and The Great Museum – ‘The Exhibitionists’ series at Dochouse
- Top Five
- Save the Tavern and We Came to Sweat
- The Reel Deal’s Which Films To Watch This Weekend
- Enemies of Happiness - Best of Dochouse
- It Follows
- The Reel Deal’s Which Films To Watch This Weekend
- The Reel Deal’s Which Films To Watch This Weekend
- Q and A with Felix Colgrave, director of The Elephant’s Garden
- Selma
- Les héritiers
- Hector and his search for hapiness (Or how British films suck donkey balls)
- Papa was not a Rolling Stone
- Q and A with Anton Saunders, dir. of Fourever
- Love Hotel by Phil Cox and Hikaru Toda - UK PREMIERE 17/09/14
- The Expendables 3 - the poster review
- Beauty Is...
- Pudsey the movie - poster
- Life Is Slight: Boyhood by Richard Linklater
- ’Memphis’ and ’20 Feet From Stardom’
- The Invisible War
- Starred Up
- Tim’s Vermeer
- Noah
- Alone
- Stranger by the Lake (L’inconnu du Lac)
- Only Lovers Left Alive
- The Wolf of Wall Street - Leo’s Cheeks
- The Monuments Men podcast Tony Hickson
- Lego The Movie - Podcast
- Jack et la mécanique du coeur
- Girlfriend Boyfriend
- London Premiere of Hi-So by Aditya Assarat
- Ruby Sparks
- The Expendables 2 - the poster
- Cyberconte
- Nosotros del Bauen au Nouveau Latina 20/09
- Le dernier rivage (1959) vo : On the beach de Stanley Kramer
- Essay on Shadows (1959)
- Árpád Pusztai, Whistleblower
- La situation des Roms -débat Me, my Gipsy family and Woody Allen
- Incendies -December 2010
- Santiago 73 Post Mortem (sortie le 16 février 2011)
- Blue Valentine
- Nino’s Place
- Shahada – Protestation du soi
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
- Director Marina de Van on Don’t Look Back
- Questions-Réponses autour de Falsos Positivos
- Lullaby for Pi
- Le Sentiment de la chair
- Pourquoi je ne vais plus voir Saw …
- Dernier étage gauche gauche (Top Floor Left Wing)
- Saw 3D
- Fix me-out 17 nov in Paris
- Notre jour viendra (Our day will come)
- La Vie au ranch - Chicks
- Kaboom
- Cannibal ! The Musical (1996)
- Mum and Dad
- Piranha 3D
- Cry Baby
- City of Life and Death (Premiere in Paris)
- Gegege no Kitaro
- L’Attaque de la Moussaka géante
- Shark Attack 3 Megalodon
- The Cars That Ate Paris (The Cars That Eat People)
- If I want to whistle I whistle (Premiere in Paris)
- The Robber (Premiere in Paris)
- Mundane History (Premiere in Paris)
- Four Lions: The Sequel
- Clash of the Titans
- Transamerica, a gendered perspective!
- Kick Ass
- Bronson
- Sex and the City 2
- The Human Centipede
News items
Festivals and Events
- 11th London Short Film Festival - Le Palmarès
- 11th London Short Film Festival : Love Makes The World Go Round
- 11th London Short Film Festival - Fucked Up Love
- 13e édition du Festival International des Très Courts
- 2010 Silhouette Short Films
- Of The People, For the People: Militant Palestinian Cinema (1968-1982)
- EFN double award winner Plum Stupple-Harris talks to Steve Topple
- Painted Skies - A Celebration Of Fake Backgrounds
- Masterfully inspired by Afro-futurism: Amartei Amar on TsutsuƐ - ClermontFF2023
- Rehearsals, consent & reactions with EXPOSED dir. Anna Fredrikke Bjerke, EFN Critics’ Choice Award
- Comedy, Horror and EFN’s Audience Favourite Award win with Bleep’s Ben S. Hyland
- Snapshots from Leeds International Film Festival 2021
- Q&A with Dan Thorburn, director of Salt Water Town
- Q&A with Sema Basharan, director of The Branches are Hope; The Roots are Memory - Leeds award winner
- Vanguard Film Festival at Arnolfini
- ARCHIVE SPECIAL! The Remake Film Festival
- Pick of Sheffield Doc Fest - Ali And His Miracle Sheep
- Western Arabs by Omar Shargawi
- Abla’s Encounters Top Picks
- Tommy Hodgson’s Encounters TOP 5
- First edition of the Independent Iraqi Film Festival
- A Dog Barking at the Moon - BFI Flare At Home
- Short of the Week: Nefta Football Club, dir. Yves Piat
- LONDON SHORT FILM FESTIVAL - Conte Anglais (dir: Daniel Marc Janes)
- LONDON SHORT FILM FESTIVAL - Recollective Resistance - Kamal Aljafari’s Port of Memory
- Gaza, dir: Gary Keane & Andrew McConnell
- Road to Palestine (1985), dir: Layaly Badr and Upper Gate (1991), dir: Arab Loutfi - London Palestine FF
- It Must Be Heaven by Elia Suleiman
- Lynn+Lucy, dir. by Fyzal Boulifa - LFF 2019
- Encounters 2019 Arab selection
- Normal by Adele Tulli - Fragments 2019
- Arab presence in Cannes 2019
- Interview with Yann Berlier & Lola Cambourieu, directors of Automne Malade
- Deptford double-bill from the London Migration Film Festival
- Double-bill from the London Migration Film Festival 2018
- Young and Alive / L’Epoque at LFF 2018
- Akasha at LFF 2018
- Entretien avec Amel Guellaty, réalisatrice du film Black Mamba
- Interview about Fear(s) with Ilay Mevorach, director of Open your eyes
- The 5 Most Gruesome Non-Horror Films at This Year’s Encounters
- LSFF 2017: Girlhood. Q&A with Louise Salter, lead actress of Butterfly
- Q&A with Suzie Hanna, director-animator Known Unto God - LSFF2017
- Q&A with Stuart Gatt, writer and director of The Dead Sea - LSFF2017
- Q&A with Treasa O’Brien, director of Noor at Mytlini Port - LSFF2017
- Rencontre avec Leyla Toprak, réalisatrice de Uzak mı...
- Q&A with Yony Leyser, dir. of Desire Will Set You Free, at the East End Film Fest
- Q&A with Adrian Tanner, dir. of Redistributors, at the East End Film Fest
- Q&A with Daniel Fitzsimmons, dir. of Native, at the East End Film Fest
- The Darkest Universe - East End Film Festival 2016
- Tales from the Two Puddings - East End Film Festival 2016
- Chasing Robert Barker - East End Film Festival 2016
- Love Is Thicker Than Water - East End Film Festival 2016
- Sheffield Documentary Film Festival 2016 - Thoughts and recap
- Credible Likeable Superstar Role Model - East End Film Festival 2016
- Stories of our Lives - Film Africa 2015
- ALL IS WELL (2011) - Film Africa
- AYANDA (2015) - Film Africa
- Bristol Radical Film Festival 2015
- Q&A with Jordan Schiele, dir. of The Turtle at Encounters
- Encounters 2015 – a bilingual selection of live action shorts
- Q&A with Dan Hodgson, dir. of Love is Blind at Encounters
- Encounters 2015 Live Action Competitive Shorts Awards
- British Urban Film Festival 2015
- British Urban Film Festival - Matter of Fact
- Remake Film Festival
- The Company of Strangers - London Feminist Film Festival
- Encounters 2015 Highlights&Programme
- Q&A with James Webber, Dir. Soror at the British Urban Film Fest
- East End Film Festival 2015 - Crumbs
- They Are We (2013) - Black Film Maker International Film Festival 2015
- Black Panthers - Vanguard of the revolution - East End Film Festival
- Above and Below - East End Film Festival
- Chameleon - East End Film Festival
- SHUBBAK: ‘A Window on Contemporary Arab Culture’
- Generation Right - East End Film Festival
- Welcome to Leith - East End Film Festival 2015
- The Divide - East End Film Festival (preview)
- Drama - East End Film Festival (preview)
- Tea Time - Sheffield Doc/Fest
- East End Film Festival 1-12 July 2015
- Reed Short Film Awards
- A couple of interviews from Cannes’ Semaine de la Critique 2013
- NN by Héctor Gálvez - Cartagena International Film Festival 2015
- Masterclass with Marlon Nowe at Brussels’ Anima Festival
- Interview with Jeffrey Schwarz, director of Vito (2013) and Tab Hunter: Confidential (2015) – BFI:Flare
- Out to Win - BFI Flare
- Do I Sound Gay - BFI Flare
- Dark Rivers of the Heart - BFI Flare Shorts
- Girlhood - BFI Flare
- fiveFilms4freedom - BFI Flare
- Burroughs: The Movie - Glasgow Film Festival
- A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence - Glasgow Film Festival
- Appropriate Behaviour - Glasgow Film Festival
- Queens of Syria - Glasgow Film Festival
- Corn Island- Crystal Globe Winner Karlovy Vary IFF
- Victory Day- DOK Leipzig Award Winner
- Court- Lion of the Future Award Winner Venice IFF
- Crocodile- Grand Prize winner Tokyo FILMeX
- Timbuktu - BFI London Film Festival 2014
- Horse Money- BFI London Film Festival
- London Film Festival: Dear White People
- London Film Festival: Love Shorts Programme
- Analog Encounters: Video Workshop at the Encounters Film Festival
- Bristol Encounters Film Festival : Awards Winners
- Bristol Encounters Film Festival : Awards Winners
- New Horizons International Film Festival
- Moralists Instruction Musical: The Revolutionary Conduct (Leeds Queer Film Festival)
- Leeds Queer Film Festival- Pay It No Mind
- Lilting (East End Film Festival)
- Preview- Rhymes for Young Ghouls (East End Film Festival)
- Preview- La Distancia (East End Film Festival)
- Preview- The Forest of the Dancing Spirits (East End Film Festival)
- Blue Caprice- preview (East End Film Festival)
- East End Film Festival
- London Short Film Festival, 11th edition INTERVIEW WITH EWAN STEWART - GETTING ON EN/FR
- London Short Film Festival 2014 - BUOY David Higgs - Interview FR/EN
- British Council Award for Best UK Short...
- London Short Film Festival, 11th edition - Surreal Worlds
- Encounters Short Film Festival : Short Films - Bold Ideas
- Underwire 2013 : Valuable (FR/EN)
- Festival Underwire 2013 : le palmarès
- Semaine de la Critique - Cannes Film Festival 2013 Recap
- Flying Paper (2013)
- Blood on the Condor (1969)
- Nuevos Talentos - London Argentine Film Fest 2013
- Shorts Programme - London Palestine Film Fest 2013
- Pan-Asian Film Festival Premiere + Live Q&A with Ya-Che Yang
- Nordic Film Festival: Olafur Eliasson Space is Process
- Tony Hickson’s Review a Lift-Off Film Festival Trilogy
- Romanian Film Festival - Periferic
- The Romanian Film Festival in London, THE OTHER SIDE OF HOPE 2012
- Interview with Masquerade director Chang-Min Choo and actors Byung-Hun Lee and Seung-Ryong Ryu
- Interview with The Thieves’s director Dong-Hoon Choi, and actor Yun-Seok Kim
- Podcast - Interview with Andrey Gryazev - London Film Fest 2012
- Cork Midsummer Festival – Parallel Cities 2012
- Mexican Film Festival @ Rich Mix London 17-19 August 2012
- Somewhere at Palilula - East End film festival 2012
- Our Homeland de Yang Yoghi - Paris Cinéma 2012
- Guilty of romance de Sono Sion - Paris Cinéma 2012
- Q and A with dir. Yang Yonghi - Our Homeland
- Q and A with dir. Bence Fliegauf - Just the Wind
- Q and A with dir. Heiward Mak - High Noon
- N21 Film Festival – Day 4: Dreams of a Life
- Todd Solondz Dark Horse -Première à Paris Cinéma
- N21 Day 5 - Sleep Furiously
- Day 3 N21 festival
- Day 1 : Coverage of ’The Burbs’ at the N21 Film Festival in London
- Local History On Film
- N21 FILM FESTIVAL 16-22 June 2012
- ZAMBIE, A QUI PROFITE LE CUIVRE ? 14.06 au Nouveau Latina
- Justice pour Sergei et Ouganda : au nom de dieu
- Corona Cork Film Festival - 57th festival
- Q and As - LFF Braden King/Nick Murphy/Katie Galloway&Kelly Duane/Amr Salama
- Scène ouverte : le feu à la main d’or
- Keyhole de Guy Maddin-Toronto Film Fest
- Q and A Paris Cinéma 2011
- Soirée Courts métrages du Festival du film des droits de l’Homme de Paris 2011
- WAR DON DON, documentaire de Rebecca Richman Cohen au Festival International des Droits de l’Homme de Paris
- Portraits de femmes à Cannes
- Un jour au festival Silence On Court
- The rise and rise of Silence on court!
- Réals au Festival International des Très Courts
- Palmarès Festival International du Film des Droits de l’Homme 2011
- Questions-Réponses autour du FIFDH 2011
- Le "Laborataire" du court-métrage
- Courts métrages Japonais (et où les trouver)
- Film director Benjamin Heisenberg on The Robber
- Film director Anocha Suwichakornpong on Mundane History
- Catalin Mitulescu (producer and director) on If I want to whistle, I whistle
- Lu Chuan on his film City of Life and Death
- Arena Mexico with comments by director Anne Lise Michoud and lecturer Domingo Garcia
- Speculations on the Cultural Organisation of Civility: Film Programme
- A double-bill from the Human Rights Film Festival: The Blood of Kuan Kuan and The Tumultuous Life of a Dismissed Worker
News items
- Existence as Resistance: Films of Resistance at Palestine House, London
- Dates added for From Ground Zero / London
- Media City Film Fest: 70+ free films to stream!
- Welsh Tour of ’Comrade Tambo’s London Recruits’ + Live Q&As
- The Dupes - London Migration Film Festival
- Indy Film Library shorts at the Garden Cinema in London
- MENA shorts at the Garden Cinema
- Clermont-Ferrand FF 2024!
- Figures in Focus: Apocalyptic: London International Animation Festival
- Painted Skies at the Cinema Museum
- Emerging Filmmakers Night - screening and networking
- Chicago Boys screening: Chile 50 Years
- Summer holidays!
- EFN Short Film Festival presents: "Stories of Access: Shorts Programme & Panel"
- Bella Ciao - A Song Of Rebellion
- Clermont-Ferrand In London!
- London celebrates Arab women artists
Screen Extra
- Films of Resistance: A Night of Shorts
- Celebrating World VFX Day - Chris Lumb
- Celebrating World VFX Day - Sam Hall, ILM
- World VFX Day - Tom Salinsky
- Celebrating SFX - Eddie French
- Celebrating SFX - Abdel Belabbes
- Celebrating SFX - Eddy Durnan
- Q&A with T A P E Collective’s Isra Al Kassi
- Fragments Of A Dream - marking the 50th anniversary of the Chilean coup
- Accompagner un film dans son exploitation : la distribution chez Manifest
- Q&A with short film distributor Anais Colpin at Manifest
- Q&A with Rich Lucano, aka Phondupe
- Les critiques d’Alexandra Casanova
- Q&A with Matt Houlihan: A Brit Reacts To Bollywood
- Chat with actress Yiga Gaolou - Damage Control, Channel 4 Random Acts
- On Pretending
- This week’s picks - Striking Colour Schemes
- Picks of the Week - DEVS, A World Not Ours, Ema
- VOD Picks Of The Week - Japanese triple bill
- Netflix Double-Bill
- Recommandations françaises - Spécial confinement !
- Our pick of Arab docs 3 - Walled Citizen
- Our picks of Arab docs 2: Papa Hedi - the Man Behind the Microphone
- Our pick of Arab docs 1
- Q&A with Michael Oswald, director of The Spider’s Web, Britain’s Second Empire
- K Drama Special #4: Introverted Boss - Eps 11 & 12
- K Drama Special #4: Introverted Boss - Eps 6 & 7
- K Drama Special #3: Introverted Boss - Ep 5
- K Drama Special #2: Introverted Boss - Eps 3&4
- K Drama Special #1: Introverted Boss - Is it worth watching?
- Directors to Watch - Q&A with Dornaz Hajiha
- Q&A with Sevé Schelenz, director of Skew and Peelers
- Q&A with Roger Carvalho, Founder of Snoovies
- Les Huit Salopards
- The Hateful Eight
- Q&A with Les Parasites
- Q&A with Elizabeth Mizon, Programmer for the Radical Film Festival
- Q&A with Jerry Rothwell, director of How to Change the World
- NEWS: Stream films from Venice Film Fest thanks to Festivalscope!
- Interview with animator Richard Williams
- Leonore Schick’s TTIP&Feminist Film Saturday
- Top 5 Fantastical Landscapes
- Q & A with Elizabeth Wood - Founder and Director of Bertha Dochouse
- Q and A with Kaleem Aftab, freelance journalist and film critic
- Q and A with the Leeds Queer Film Fest team
- Top 5 Fish in Film
- Top 5 Macabre Party Scene
- Q and A Léo Soesanto - film critic and programmer for Semaine de la Critique
- Rencontre avec Takami Productions (Fr)
- La Guarimba International Film Fest-Q and A with the team
- Q & A with Gaia Meucci, short film programmer at Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival
- LiftOff Film Fest
- RDV 18 octobre à 20h au Nouveau Latina pour L’AUTRE CÔTÉ DU MUR, suivie d’un débat.
- Rotoreliefs@Rich Mix
- Philippe Parreno at the Serpentine Gallery, London
- On Dawkins: A response to Richard Dawkins and the Invisible Menace
- Richard Dawkins and the Invisible Menace
- Zillakiller on Big Brother 2010 The End!
- Zillakiller on Big Brother 2010 Days 57-70
- Zillakiller on Big Brother 2010 Days 43-56
- Zillakiller on Big Brother 2010 Days 29-42
- Zillakiller on Big Brother 2010 Days 15-28
- Zillakiller on Big Brother 2010 Days 2-14
- Ringu and the cinema of attraction
- Glee
- Zillakiller on Big Brother 2010
News items
- London celebrates Arab Women artists
- What to do with your short film! New EFN workshop in September
- EFN Networking event and submissions
- We’d like to share the following from our...
- French Film Festival UK reveals exciting online programme
- REEL NEWS DOC: COVID Transmission and Killer Workplaces:
- Our podcast’s new support page
- Film Fest Report Recommendations
- Leila Latif on Capernaum and contemporary Arab film
- Indy Film Library’s Jack Brindelli on the politics of zombie films, horror and top picks from Amsterdam 2023
- ”A Lana Del Rey video as directed by the press manager for the Coalition for Families” Animator Nadia Barbu on Blonde
- Nana Mensah on her work, African American directors & the Duplass school of filmmaking
- Nina Turner, Operation Varsity Blues & Black Student Debt
- Q&A with Philip Ilson, director of the London Short Film Festival
- Q&A with Rich Lucano, aka Phondupe
- Our Picks + Crooklyn
- Our Picks + The Closer and Passing
- Top Picks + Malignant: In praise of creature features
- Our Picks + Little Fires Everywhere *UPDATED*
- Our Picks + Zola
- Our Picks + Slasher: Solstice
- Our Picks + MLMs and On Becoming A God In Central Florida
- Our Picks + Bubblegum Noir & Promising Young Woman
- Our Picks + We Work: Or the Making and Breaking of a $47 Billion Unicorn
- Our Picks + One Night In Miami
- Our Picks + Crip Camp
- Our Picks + The Obituary Of Tunde Johnson
- Our Picks + Typical
- Our Picks + Judas And The Black Messiah
- Our Picks + Be Kind Rewind
- Our Picks + Women In Body Horror
- Our picks + Antebellum & Century Of The Self
- Our Picks + The Imposter & Little White Lie
- Our Picks + The Last Blackman in San Francisco & One Man And His Shoes
- Our Picks + Our House & The Social Dilemma
- Our Picks + Keenie Meenie: Britain’s Private Army
- Our Top Picks + Revolution & Social Change in Sci-Fi
- Our Picks + "Colonial Chic" & Gone With The Wind
- Our Picks + Waves
- Our Picks + Pablo Navarrete (No Extradition)
- Our Picks + Black Is King (Special Guest)
- Our Picks And American Horror Story: Apocalypse
- Our Picks And The Staircase
- Top 5 on Netflix - The Black Middle Classes
- Top 5 Black Lives Matter on Netflix