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Mank: David Fincher’s Xanadu

Something is troubling David Fincher. Despite his multiple Oscar nominations, the consistent box office returns that keep the studios purring, and the cult fandom generated by his dark and twisty thrillers, something is gnawing at him. He hasn’t (…)

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Essay on Shadows (1959)

The directional debut of celebrated film-maker John Cassavetes, Shadows (1959) is heralded as a land mark in independent film making, film critic Elbert Ventura suggests that the date of the film’s release should be celebrated as the birthday of (…)

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Transamerica, a gendered perspective!

I first caught Transamerica about 15 min in, on a tiny television set in a small family-run hotel in St Malo. That was back in 2006, about a year after its release and I was working as a tour guide in France. In the first few minutes this is what (…)

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