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Court de la semaine : Dernière porte au sud - Sacha Feiner & Chloé Morier

Après le Festival Anima et le Festival international du film francophone de Namur, le Festival international du court-métrage de Clermont-Ferrand récompense à son tour le court d’animation Dernière porte au sud, en lui décernant le Prix de la (…)

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Ave Maria - Oscars 2016

A short film directed by a Palestinian has been nominated for an Oscar this year. Ave Maria is a humorous story about a Jewish family who crash their car outside a small convent of five Arab nuns. For a film set in the present day West Bank, this (…)

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Short of the Week - Glenn Paton’s H Positive - Clermont 2016

Glenn Paton’s H Positive has recently gone live! ”If you had a prolonged terminal illness and money was no object, would you manipulate euthanasia so that you could die on your own terms? This story examines how the protagonist Mark uses his (…)

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Q&A with Glenn Paton, dir. of H Positive at Clermont 2016

"If money was no object, would you manipulate euthanasia so that you could die on your own terms?" Glenn Paton’s visually impressive H Positive is screening at Clermont-Ferrand 2016. Where did the idea come from? I went to an art exhibition (…)

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Encounters 2015 – a bilingual selection of live action shorts

No. 27 Dir Lola Peploe France 2015 21 mins Fr Lilly Page est une jeune Anglaise partie vivre son rêve d’aspirante romancière dans la Ville Lumière. Dans ce Paris fantasmé, tout peut arriver. C’est donc sans trop de surprise que dans une (…)

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Q&A with Dan Hodgson, dir. of Love is Blind at Encounters

We caught up with writer/director Dan Hodgson at Encounters in Bristol. His second film LOVE IS BLIND was screened at Encounters and has been shortlisted for a short film Palme d’or at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival. Can you tell us a bit about (…)

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Encounters 2015 Live Action Competitive Shorts Awards

It’s a busy time in festival world and the Mydy team has been spreading itself thin trying to cover screenings and events. High-up on our list of not-to-be-missed fests is the unfailingly excellent Bristol-based Encounters Short Film Festival. (…)

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Duncan Cowles : The Lady with the Lamp

Hier soir Doc Heads organisait une soirée de projection au Monty’s Bar a Brick Lane. L’occasion de voir une série de courts documentaires présentés par leur réalisateur, puis de boire quelques verres en leur compagnie. La projection s’est (…)

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British presence at Clermont 2015

Rob Zywietz talks to me about his short film,"Port Nasty", presented at the Clermont-Ferrand film festival. Thanks to the http://www.labrasserieducourt.com/ team for the footage! Le court du jour 2015 #3 : "Port Nasty" de Rob... by

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La Cérémonie de Clôture – Festival de Clermont-Ferrand 2015

C’est déjà la fin du millésime clermontois 2015. C’est toujours un plaisir de découvrir toutes ces saveurs, testées et approuvées à la Brasserie du Court, puisque Mydylarama s’y exprime comme partenaire du Festival de Clermont-Ferrand, pour la (…)

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