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What to do with your short film! New EFN workshop in September

Monday 29 August 2022

The Emerging Filmmakers Night workshops are back!

The short film strategy and distribution workshop is invaluable for all new filmmakers who want to ask any questions they have about how to navigate the festival circuit and what to do with their short films.

EFN WORKSHOPS: The Life Of Your Short Film - REDUX

Programmers Erifili Missiou, Christina Papasotiriou, Abla Kandalaft guide you through your exhibition strategy after completing your film.

About this event
Programmers, filmmakers and festival connoisseurs Erifili Missiou (EFN Short Film Festival, The Garden Cinema), Christina Papasotiriou (Raindance Festival, Genesis Cinema), Abla Kandalaft (Clermont ISFF, MyDylarama), return with an updated version of their successful workshop "The Life Of Your Short Film" on the 23rd of September.

In addition to discussing all your distribution and exhibition options, they will offer their best tips on how to navigate the festival circuit and introduce you to a variety of screening options you might not have considered before.

To book tickets, go to Eventbrite.

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