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Our Picks + Pablo Navarrete (No Extradition)

Monday 7 September 2020, by Abla Kandalaft, Coco Green

This week, Coco and Abla interview documentary filmmaker and journalist Pablo Navarrete. Pablo’s latest film No Extradition is a record of the campaign of support for Julian Assange who is facing extradition to the US. He also follows John Shipton, Assange’s father, over several months as he fought to secure his son’s release from Belmarsh prison in the UK.

The filmmaker whose first documentary "Inside the Revolution: A Journey into the Heart of Venezuela" dates from 2009 was working for Telesur when he collated most of that footage. 

We also talk to Pablo about his previous film Hip Hop Revolucion, in which he travels to Venezuela with rapper Lowkey and activist Jody McIntyre and meets hip hop artists and political activists. He is founder and editor of Alborada.net, (another Media Fund partner) where you’ll find more on his work and updates. 

Abla’s picks this week include a number of film festivals: the Deauville American Film Festival, which will be held in the city’s venues, the White Deer International Film Festival (FREE) and Open City Doc Festival, both of which are online this year, with a varied selection of films and some great talks. (Thanks Film Fest Report for the tips!) and the Australian International Film Festival (check out Firas Khoury’s Maradona’s Legs!) Finally, she flags the investigative series Dirty Money, available to watch on Netflix. 

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