Home > Screen Extra > Our pick of Arab docs 3 - Walled Citizen

Our pick of Arab docs 3 - Walled Citizen

Friday 4 October 2019, by Abla Kandalaft

Walled Citizen is a documentary by Palestinian filmmaker Sameer M Qumsiyeh in which he attempts to backpack around the world with a Palestinian passport, basically making him persona non grata at customs everywhere. Sameer goes beyond his own personal experience to explore the wider world and concept of travelling and speaks to seasoned backpackers and fellow Palestinians reflecting on the fact that year after year they welcome well-meaning international globe-trotters, who enjoy more freedom to come and go, in and out of Palestine, than they will ever know.

Walled Citizen is a heartfelt and stirring look at the injustice behind the plight of Palestinians, and inherent to the world’s restrictive border system, and by extension the privilege at the heart of travel.

Find out more about the film, future screenings and the filmmaker’s work on the official Facebook page and the website for Palcine, the collective of Palestinian filmmakers he is a member of.

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