Home > Screen Extra > Zillakiller on Big Brother 2010 Days 29-42

Zillakiller on Big Brother 2010 Days 29-42

Sunday 25 July 2010, by Zillakiller

DAY 29 TO DAY 42

a slapped arse e.g.

a headless chicken e.g.

an ostrich e.g.

The Industrial Revolution

Reality Television

Technological Singularity

Nothing in here is real so why would I risk putting myself

‘on the sofa’

directly I entered the house

directly I made my entrance:

no movement

no response

no entertainment

no expression

no opinion

no position.

When the time comes

I will not go.

When the time comes to go

I will go here ‘on the sofa’

When the time comes to go

I will go here and be carried wet

Big Brother values you as a housemate

as Big Brother values all housemates.

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