Home > Festivals and Events > Comedy, Horror and EFN’s Audience Favourite Award win with Bleep’s Ben S. Hyland

Comedy, Horror and EFN’s Audience Favourite Award win with Bleep’s Ben S. Hyland

Saturday 15 October 2022, by Abla Kandalaft

A couple’s relationship is pushed to the brink as they investigate a strange noise that’s woken them in the night.

Ben S. Hyland’s short is a pitch-perfect mix of horror and laughs, staring comedy duo (and real-life couple) Rebecca Shorrocks and Paul F. Taylor. Bleep won the Audience Favourite Award at the Emerging Filmmakers Night Festival 2022. We caught up with Ben to chat about his first steps into filmmaking, his comedic proclivities and his all-time classic films.

You can follow Ben’s work on Twitter @Ben_S_Hyland and EFN’s updates on their website.

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