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Interview with Louis Chan, director of Stationary

Friday 3 July 2020, by Abla Kandalaft

Louis won the Audience Award at the June Emerging Filmmakers Night live-streamed event for his short film Stationary. EFN partner Mydylarama interviewed him the following day, giving him an opportunity to talk at length about his work.

Stationary won the Audience Award for the Bottled-Up edition. The characters in Chan’s short are fully-rounded, three-dimensional and fully engaging to watch. Within a restrained setting, he manages to create quite a rich storyline and relationship between the protagonists, and a dialogue devoid of the usual cliches. The viewers were particularly impressed with Chan’s directing skills and the strength of the performances.

Our interview with Louis Chan

Find out more about the film and Louis’s work on the Fresh Look Films’ Vimeo page.

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