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Nuevos Talentos - London Argentine Film Fest 2013

Monday 13 May 2013, by Ray Keene

Yeguas y cotorras, Dir: Natalia
Garagiola, Argentina, 2012, 28 min.

The stand out of the afternoon.
Beautifully shot and deftly constructed. Delfina and her two friends go to her family’s manor house to spend one day together before her wedding guests arrive. The intimacy and the tension between the three women deftly mined, creating gravity and intrigue, making it the most satisfying piece of the six.

Cast: Julia Martínez Rubio,
Guillermina Pico, Pilar Benítez Vibart, Federico García, Joaquín Berthold,
Matilde Andrés Fouet, Ana Gonzáles de Echalecu.

Not Available Today (Hoy no estoy),
Dir: Gustavo Taretto, Argentina, 2007, 8 min.

The event featured a bonus short, Not Available Today. A charming early work of Gustavo Taretto’s that won Best Short Film at Lucarno. A young man treads out of his home and through town careful not to be seen while observing those going about their daily lives. He comes across a young woman doing exactly the same and the two become one as they continue to hide and observe together.

Cast: Martín Piroyansky, Inés Efron,
Norma Maldonado, Esmeralda Mitre.

The Wedding Party (La fiesta del casamiento), Dir: Martín Morgenfeld, Gastón Margolin, Argentina 2011, 19 min.

The film centers on a young couple in a luxurious hotel room while the
wedding party of the woman’s twin sister takes place downstairs. But it is to be their final night together as the man leaves her sleeping for a woman he has been seeing in secret. An intimate portrait of a loving relationship ending set against another being celebrated in its full bloom nearby.

Cast: Juan Barberini, Pablo Aigal,
Julieta Zylberberg.

Nulepsy, Dir: Jessica Sarah Rinland, U.K., 2010, 8 min.

A quirky chronicling of the pathological need to be
nude. Definitely the most irreverent both in style and subject. Possibly relied on this a little much and didn’t quite enlighten or make the condition relatable or symbolic of anything else. An odd condition unexplained. Floated like a butterfly and stung like one :)

Cast: Oscar Oldershaw, Giles Oldershaw, Alina Reitz.

Noelia, Dir: Maria Alché,
Argentina 2012, 15 min.

Noelia who has just been kicked out of her home, wanders
through Buenos Aires, creating a city of stories and relationships.

Cast: Laila Maltz, Mariel Fernández,
Claudia Cantero, Gabriela Ferrero, Valeria Roldán.

Could See A Puma (Pude ver un puma),
Dir: Eduardo "Teddy" Williams, Argentina 2011, 17 min.

The accident leads a group of young boys from the
high roofs of their neighborhood, passing through its destruction, to the depths of the earth. The last two adolescent journey type pieces felt too long and a little plodding.

Cast: Nahuel Perez Biscayart,
Fernando Contigiani Garcia, Juan Manuel Soler, Jerónimo Quevedo, Felipe Villanueva.

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