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Q&A with Johanna Pyykkö - director of The Manila Lover

Saturday 25 April 2020, by Abla Kandalaft

During a trip to the Philippines, middle-aged, Norwegian Lars has met Abigail - the Filipina he wants to share his life with, but does she share his plans?

I’m so pleased to finally be able to share this interview that we carried out at the Clermont-Ferrand International Film Festival 2020. The Manila Lover, which premiered at Semaine de la Critique, was one of my favourite shorts, a nuanced and sweet film with some excellent character development. The character of Abigail is sadly still far too uncommon in film, tearing down stereotypes and hurtful and dangerous tropes that have plagued many Filipino women. I look forward to seeing more of Johanna’s work.

Café court / Expresso Video - Johanna Pyykkö from ClermontFd Short Film Festival on Vimeo.

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