Most recent articles
1 February 2023
Salar Pashtoonyar on Bad Omen at the Brasserie
by Abla Kandalaft, Brasserie du Court teamSet in Kabul, Afghanistan. Pari, an in-house tailor, must find the means to purchase her prescription glasses to save her job.
I did a double take when Salar came on to this video interview. I’ll be honest and say that I expected him to be a woman. Salar has a real knack for writing female characters. Bad Omen is an intelligent, well-crafted story and I look forward to seeing more of Salar’s (…) Continue Reading »
1 February 2023
Sensitive and important well-stitched short: Salar Pashtoonyar on Hills and Moutains
by Abla Kandalaft, Clotilde Couturier
Shooting on location in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, director Salar Pashtoonyar uses a thought-provoking yet powerfully humane hybrid of documentary and fiction to delve deep into the experience of a woman forced to the edge of her society. (…) Continue Reading »
31 January 2023
Interview with Enrique Buleo, director of Las Visitantes
by Abla Kandalaft
3 retired women travel by bus to discover Europe. They’ve recently lost their husbands and now it’s time to start living. They’ve heard people talk about the wonders of tourism all their lives and are dying to experience them firsthand.
"I love (…) Continue Reading »
31 January 2023
Kevin Steen on Daron, Daron Colbert
by Abla Kandalaft, Brasserie du Court team
Living on the edge of the most polluted zip codes in the US, an actor prepares for a role.
Daron Colbert is an aspiring actor and like so, so many of his peers, he’s toiling away at his day job, hoping the next audition will clinch the deal. (…) Continue Reading »
30 January 2023
Leo Blandino on Bitume at the Brasserie
by Clotilde Couturier
On his way to England for an urgent transport, Merlin, an exhausted 50-years-old driver, begins to hear haunting voices from the back of his locked truck. An impressive mix of grit and poetry drives the miserable, heart-wrenching fate of migrant (…) Continue Reading »
29 January 2023
Interview with Trinidad Plass, Titouan Tillier and Isaac Wenzek, co-directors of Ressources humaines
by Clotilde Couturier
Very amusing and highly inventive animation around the themes of recycling and reincarnation!
What was the starting point for the inspiration of the film? Are you particularly fond of certain objects? We based the film around the theme (…) Continue Reading »
29 January 2023
Joséphine Darcy Hopkins on Les Dents du bonheur
by Abla Kandalaft, Brasserie du Court teamThe chirpy tone and cute child actors certainly belie a cruel madness at the heart of this ballsy and fun short, in which a children’s play date reveals darker power dynamics. Continue Reading »
29 January 2023
Sasha Argirov on his film Nurture at the Brasserie
by Abla Kandalaft
An emotionally stunted man reckons with the deep-rooted resentment that he harbors for his ailing mother.
A surprisingly and impressively beautiful film given the dark and complex subject matter.
Why did you choose this title in particular? (…) Continue Reading »
28 January 2023
Claudia Bottino on A Trois / The Three Of Us
by Brasserie du Court team, Elise Loiseau
Julien, 30, visits his daughter Cléa, 6, whom he has not seen for a while. While the child looks for his attention, Julien makes every effort to come home to Lucie, Cléa’s mother. This time he will stay. A touching short with impressive character (…) Continue Reading »
28 January 2023
Yann Gonzalez at the Brasserie - Clermont Film Festival 2023
by Brasserie du Court teamMusician Oliver Sim is the main guest of a talk-show that soon slides into a surreal journey of love, shame, and blood. A three-part queer horror movie that features songs from Sim’s highly-anticipated debut album _Hideous Bastard_.
Director Yann Gonzalez talks to us at the Brasserie du Court about his new short Hideous.
Café court / Short Talk - Yann Gonzalez from ClermontFd Short Film (…) Continue Reading »