Home > Reviews > Shorts > Claudia Bottino on A Trois / The Three Of Us

Claudia Bottino on A Trois / The Three Of Us

Saturday 28 January 2023, by Brasserie du Court team, Elise Loiseau

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Julien, 30, visits his daughter Cléa, 6, whom he has not seen for a while. While the child looks for his attention, Julien makes every effort to come home to Lucie, Cléa’s mother. This time he will stay. A touching short with impressive character development, which highlights the emotional complexity that can define a father and daughter relationship.

Italian filmmaker Claudia Bottino discusses her short film, selected in the 2023 National Competition at the Clermont Ferrand Film Festival.

Café court / Short Talk - Claudia Bottino from ClermontFd Short Film Festival on Vimeo.

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