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Clermont-Ferrand 2016 - Awards

Wednesday 17 February 2016, by Abla Kandalaft


Grand Prize
Las Cosas Simples (Les choses simples/Simple Things)
Alvaro Anguita - Chili - 2015 - Fiction - 26’

Jury Prize
Die Badewanne (La baignoire/Bathtub)
Tim Ellrich - Austria, Germany - 2015 - Fiction - 12’

Special mentions - International Jury
 Uzak M?... (Lointain...)
Leyla Toprak - Turkey - 2015 - Documentary - 16’
Virginia Urreiztieta - Venezuela - 2015 - Fiction - 20’

Audience Prize
Madam Black
Ivan Barge - New Zealand - 2015 - Fiction - 11’

Best Animation Prize
Dernière porte au sud (Last Door South)
Sacha Feiner - Belgium, France - 2015 - Animation - 14’

Student Prize
Babor Casanova
Karim Sayad - Algeria, Switzerland - 2015 - Documentary - 35’

CANAL+ Prize
El Hueco (Le trou/The Hole)
Daniel Martin Rodriguez, Germán Tejada - Peru - 2015 - Fiction - 14’


Grand Prize
Eden’s Edge (Three Shorts on the Californian Desert) / Aux confins de l’Éden (Trois courts métrages dans le désert californien)
Leo Calice, Gerhard Treml - Austria - 2014 - Animation/documentary - 19’

Jury Prize
William Laboury - France - 2015 - Experimental/fiction - 21’

Lab Jury Special Mention
The Reflection of Power(Le reflet du pouvoir)
Mihai Grecu - France - 2015 - Documentary/experimental - 9’

Audience Prize
Ghost Cell
Antoine Delacharlery - France - 2015 - Animated fiction - 6’

CANAL+ Prize
Greener Grass (L’herbe sera plus verte)
Paul Briganti - United States - 2015 - Fiction - 15’


Grand Prize
Les Amours vertes
Marine Atlan - France - 2015 - Fiction - 32’

Special Jury Prize
Le Repas dominical
Céline Devaux - France - 2015 - Animation - 14’

Jury Special Mention

 Fuck l’amour
François Zabaleta - France - 2015 - Fiction - 6’

 Le Gouffre
Vincent Le Port - France - 2015 - Fiction - 52’

 Isabel Pagliai and Julien Guillery for the photography of
Isabella Morra

Isabel Pagliai - France - 2015 - Documentary/experimental - 22’

Audience Prize
Ennemis intérieurs
Sélim Azzazi - France - 2015 - Fiction - 28’

Equality and Diversity Prize Prix (ex ACSE)
Antoine Giorgini - France, Belgium - 2015 - Fiction - 19’

Best Original Music Prize (SACEM)
Pierre Caillet, for
Dans les eaux profondes
Sarah van den Boom - France, Canada - 2015 - Animation - 12’

Best Photography Prize (Nikon)
Paul Guilhaume, for
L’Ile jaune
Paul Guilhaume, Léa Mysius - France - 2015 - Fiction - 30’

Prize for Best Francophone Animation (SACD)
Le Repas dominical
Céline Devaux - France - 2015 - Animation - 14’

Prize for Best Fiction Debut (SACD)
Au bruit des clochettes
Chabname Zariab - France, Tunisia - 2015 - Fiction - 26’

Adami Prize for Best Actress
Florence Fauquet
Une sur trois
Cecilia de Arce - France - 2015 - Fiction - 19’

Adami Prize for Best Actor
Eddy Suiveng
Antoine Giorgini - France, Belgium - 2015 - Fiction - 19’

Student Prize
Ennemis intérieurs
Sélim Azzazi - France - 2015 - Fiction - 28’

CANAL+ Prize
Fais le mort
William Laboury - France - 2015 - Fiction - 9’

Télérama Press Prize
Le Gouffre
Vincent Le Port - France - 2015 - Fiction - 52’

Télérama Press Special Mention
Antoine Giorgini - France, Belgium - 2015 - Fiction - 19’

"Prix du rire" Fernand Raynaud (Laughter Prize)
Première séance
Jonathan Borgel - France - 2015 - Fiction - 10’

Procirep for Best Short Film Producer
Je Suis Bien Content

Bourse des Festivals
La troisième guerre
Giovanni Aloi
Bien ou bien productions

European Film Awards Nomination
In the Distance (Au loin)
Florian Grolig - Germany - 2015 - Animation - 7’

Coup de coeur CANAL+ Family
Pourquoi les vaches ont-elles des taches ?
Nina Degrendel, Soizic Delon - France - 2014 - Animation - 5’

Orange Prize
À géométrie variable
Marie Brune de Chassey - Belgique - 2015 - Animation - 4’

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