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Dwayne LeBlanc on Civic, at the Brasserie du Court

Saturday 4 February 2023, by Abla Kandalaft, Brasserie du Court team

CIVIC is a short film that follows Booker on his first trip back home to South Central, L.A. after several years of self-imposed exile. Without any clear motive, or even a warning, Booker returns to the place that holds his origins and the people who shaped him.

An impressively mature and reflective debut short by Dwayne LeBlanc. There is a lot to unpack from Booker’s journey through his past, but this gives the film richness and texture as opposed of weighty and opaque complexity. LeBlanc, through Booker, skilfully communicates often hard to articulate feelings of disconnect, familiarity and transience usually associated with migration, and, well, age.

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