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Floppy Toast with Drippy Butter, dir. by Paul Stainthorpe

Friday 3 September 2021, by Nia Jones

Every now and then we highlight a quality short that’s caught our attention. This one’s available to view online and is reviewed by writer Nia Jones.

Floppy Toast with Drippy Butter
A short film by Lone Pine Pictures
Written by Simon Jefferson and Paul Stainthorpe

A troubled, bullied teen, Chloe (Ellie Bindman) is struggling to cope with the situation at her new school. Finding her way in desperation to a bridge, she encounters a mysterious stranger who could offer her some hope, the stranger’s story is closer to her own predicament than she knows.

Paul Stainthorpe’s first narrative short, researched over a year, taking inspiration from testimony from mental health professionals, suicide survivors and the families of those left behind after suicide. Fundamentally, the film promotes an important message and as the tagline suggests ’never lose hope’.

Floppy Toast with Drippy Butter’s concept isn’t anything new, but with any small budget film narrative that deals with emotive subjects seeded in real life young adult situations, there is a danger that the developing drama can become predictable and somewhat soap opera-esque. But, never does the film veer into over the top melodrama, the script is strong and everything is justified, and by no means derivative.

Everyone pulls their performance weight, Ellie Bindman and Rhiannon Jones give wonderful, natural performances and I felt nothing but warmth and balance in their portrayals. It cannot be denied how much love and dedication has gone into this short film’s production.

The film’s genuine quest to remind those suffering that nothing lasts forever and there is always light in the dark is admirable. Anything that promotes positivity and personal introspection is definitely worth a watch.

Floppy Toast with Drippy Butter is available to watch on Youtube.

You can follow Nia on Twitter @niaserenwib

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