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Q&A with Shady Srour, dir. Oslo - Clermont 2020

Friday 21 February 2020, by Abla Kandalaft

Ziad, a Palestinian day labourer, is denied entry into Israel for work that day.
Not wanting to return home empty handed after promising his daughter meat for dinner, he needs to get creative.

Trump’s latest meddling in the region has effectively left many if not most Palestinians feeling hopeless. The title of this short is a nod to the Oslo Accords that ended up dispossessing them of more of their land and subduing much of their fight for rights and freedom. The recent US "deal" further removes what was left of their hopes. Shady Srour’s anger at this state of affairs is tangible in this very moving, poetic and impressive short that leaves the viewer sharing the rousing frustration.


OSLO | Short Film by Shady Srour | Trailer from Film Five on Vimeo.

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