Home > Reviews > Shorts > Saturday Short : Je Sens Le Beat Qui Monte En Moi

Saturday Short : Je Sens Le Beat Qui Monte En Moi

Wednesday 30 July 2014, by Elise Loiseau

Although light and fluffy in tone, this week’s short, Je sens le beat qui monte en moi, at the heart of this film is the character’s inability to adapt to the world around them. Yann LeQuellec’s short, a tribute to Eels’ Beautiful Freaks, came out in 2012 following numerous screenings in festivals around the world.

Rosalba is encumbered by music, which literally, puts in a trance. To prevent this happening, she pute together a silent itinerary to get her to her place of work, the “tourist agency”, which povides advice and information about Poitiers to its visitors. Her colleague Alain is besotted with her. Alain however, shows an almost religious devotion to musique, which, to those around him, makes him one of the “freaks”.

The film brings to mind both Jacques Tati and Jacques Demy, was shot in Poitiers. Although using the city as filming location started out as a necessity, the architecture and its provincial charm provide an ideal setting for Alain’s slightly outdated wooing of Rosalba.

The film celebrates that slightly rebellious part of us that is at odds with the rest of society, in which one’s appeal and charm often reside. Yann LeQuellec’s short is a celebration of the weird and the offbeat.

Trailer available at:

traduction Abla Kandalaft

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