Home > Reviews > Shorts > Short of the Week: Nightmare of Gaza by Farah Nabulsi

Short of the Week: Nightmare of Gaza by Farah Nabulsi

Friday 29 November 2019, by Abla Kandalaft

"Gaza is unfortunately not a nightmare. Gaza is a horrifying reality. Farah Nabulsi’s short film, Nightmare of Gaza, presents that reality in an artistic way and reminds all of us of the ongoing tragedy." Gideon Levy, Israeli journalist.

A haunting, abstract and experimental narrative of a woman in the streets of Gaza surrounded by the devastation after the bombs have stopped. She has been helping others, but revelations show it is she who now needs help.

Our short of the week has just been released online, to view freely. Nightmare of Gaza is a harrowing watch and certainly doesn’t leave viewers indifferent. This is not say that this overshadows Nabulsi’s crafty and impressive cinematography. As a Palestinian who grew up and lives in London, Farah Nabulsi felt compelled to do her part to bring the plight of her people, Palestinians living under occupation in Israel and those currently trapped in Gaza, to the attention of Western audiences. Her three short films’ visceral accounts of various facets of Palestinian life allow us to really connect with the characters on an emotional level and appreciate the injustices they face all the more.

We can’t embed the film, but you can now view it here.

The other shorts are available on Farah Nabulsi’s official website.

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