Home > Reviews > Shorts > Short of the Week - William Walsh’s Remnants - 100 Hour Film Race

Short of the Week - William Walsh’s Remnants - 100 Hour Film Race

Sunday 28 February 2016, by Mydylarama team

This week, we’ve picked William Walsh’s Remnants as our celebrated short. The winner of the 2015 100 Hour Film Race, Remnants is a simple, yet effective short film addressing issues of mental health and male suicide, through which are subtly weaved that year’s specific requirements. The theme was "mistaken identity", the prop, a mask and the action, drinking out of a straw. Walsh and his top cast manage to create engaging characters that we found ourselves caring about, no mean feat for a 5-minute film.

Walsh is reportedly now in negotiation with mental health charity Calm to potentially use Remnants as one of their campaign films.

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