Home > Reviews > Shorts > Short of the week : Don’t even think about it - Jannicke Stendal Hansen

Short of the week : Don’t even think about it - Jannicke Stendal Hansen

Wednesday 10 September 2014, by Lucile Bourliaud

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In this week’s short, young Norwegian director Jannicke Stendal Hansen tackles ways to beat loneliness.

Trond-Søren lives alone in his flat, aimlessly switching his gaze from computer to TV. He would, however, love to make friends and so welcomes with a smile the two police officers investigating the disappearance of a neighbour in his building. The unexpected visit will slowly but surely change his life.

Jannicke Stendal Hansen’s telling of the misfit’s story is absurd rather than pathetic. She creates a quirky, cozy world in which police officers spend their time drinking coffee and eating cake, and treat suspects with an unusual kindness.

In one brilliantly off-beat conversation, a police woman describes prison as a spa-like hub providing a healthy diet, exercise and the chance to develop language skills.

Jostein Hallstensen’s dazed look and daft smile carry the film. The scenes, like his character, are slow-paced and long shots leave space for awkwardness to set in.

If you liked Fargo, its black humour and snowy landscapes, then take a look at this promising short :


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