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Winter Edition Line-Up!

Friday 22 January 2021, by Mydylarama team

The EFN short film festival winter edition is nearly upon us! Given the roaring success of the last few live-streamed events, the team is once more adopting their winning formula and showing carefully curated early shorts from first time and emerging directors. Once more, two prizes are up for grabs: the audience award and the critics’ prize. Judges this time around are Mydy’s Abla Kandalaft, Genesis Cinema’s Christina Papasotiriou and Leeds International Festival’s Molly Cowderoy.

Winners will have a lengthy in-depth video interview published on Mydy, a quickfire round interview published on partner website Film Fest Report and subscriptions to Shooting People, exposure and support from EFN’s latest partners among other things.

Here are the shortlisted films!

1. HEADER by Mark Kuhlmann

When Lars (13) gets further and further behind in the initially still funny duel with his brother Kai (11) and thus also threatens to lose the love of his mother, he is faced with a decision: Will he fight against his unfairly playing brother or will he give up?

2. VINCENT BEFORE NOON by Guillaume Mainguet

A father pays his son a visit after years of conflict and turns up in the middle of his house move. The son Vincent reacts violently to that intrusion. Emotionally weakened, the father involuntarily reveals the true reason of his visit, which revives the tension between them. Within a few minutes, the anger, the memories and the crossed looks move the two men deeply.

3. @JESU_MUHNN by Jose M. Lucero, Coté Ramirez

A young man obsessed with a famous influencer takes over her identity.


4. ILL, ACTUALLY by Zoë Hunter Gordon

"ill, actually" is a short documentary exploring the challenges of being young and chronically ill in a carefully curated online culture.
A real life "superhero", a YouTuber and a camgirl explain why they choose to share -or hide- their chronic illnesses online.
Online you can be anyone: why be ill?

5. COPING by Vivien Forsans

A bunch of creatures are trying to relax after a long day of work.



An Indigenous girl responds to a racist callback.

7. FRIENDS ONLINE by Samantha White

’Stacey’ an anxiety ridden, lonely, keyboard-warrior recluse hopelessly tries to convince his favourite young friend Ellie, that he too is a teenage girl, with the desperate hope that she’ll send him the pictures he craves.


The live-stream will be on the event Facebook page.


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