Home > Reviews > Shorts > ClermontFF2019 Destete by Ines Gowland

ClermontFF2019 Destete by Ines Gowland

Friday 8 February 2019, by ARFIS, Brasserie du Court team, Elise Loiseau

Argentin filmmaker Inés Gowland talks about her short film "Destete" selected as part of the 2019 International Competition (I4 programme). A video directed by the students of the ARFIS École in collaboration with La Brasserie du Court / Mydylarama.

Teresa returns to Argentina determined to sell the family farm, but excessive rain forces her to stay, while allowing Ernesto, the presumptuous man who runs it, to convince her to keep it.

Café court / Expresso Video - Inés Gowland from ClermontFd Short Film Festival on Vimeo.

More on Ines’s work on her website.

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