Home > Reviews > Shorts > Interview with Yves Piat, director of Nefta Football Club

Interview with Yves Piat, director of Nefta Football Club

Tuesday 9 April 2019, by Abla Kandalaft, ARFIS, Brasserie du Court team

In a Moroccan village, children play football on an improvised field. Meanwhile, Abdallah and Mohammed come across a donkey with a headphone on his hears and bags full of a white powder on his back. The two young brothers decide to bring those bags to their village.

TRAILER - NEFTA FOOTBALL CLUB from Les Valseurs on Vimeo.

Interview with Yves Piat, director of the award-winning hilarious short Nefta Football Club.

Café court / Expresso Video - Yves Piat from ClermontFd Short Film Festival on Vimeo.

Nefta Football Club won the Audience Award (National Competition) at the Clermont-Ferrand ISFF 2019. The film is available on vimeo on demand.

For more info on the film and its festival dates, visit the official Facebook page.

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