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Short of the Week: BEAT by Aneil Karia
Saturday 6 December 2014, by
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Shot in London in 16 mm and on a micro-budget, BEAT has cemented director Aneil Karia’s reputation as one of the most promising British filmmakers on the “short” circuit. The film, declared “one to watch” by Screen Daily, was picked up by most major film festivals in Britain and around the world.

Essentially, BEAT is about the all-pervasive and inherent loneliness and chaos of life in big cities, encapsulated in Whishaw’s jerky yet graceful dance moves and violent and unpredictable behaviour.

There is hardly any dialogue, and it is in Karia’s soundtrack - an intricate and even mix of music, police sirens, car horns and other “street sounds” - that the chaos that inhabits the protagonist’s mind and his urban environment resonates.
BEAT Teaser from Aneil Karia on Vimeo.