Home > Reviews > Shorts > Short of the Week SPECIAL GREENHORN: Sandyman - Ed Chappell

Short of the Week SPECIAL GREENHORN: Sandyman - Ed Chappell

Saturday 15 November 2014, by Lucile Bourliaud

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“Sandyman” Geoff is a well known amongst the locals. Every day, he spends hours drawing patterns in the sand only for the high tide to wash them away in the evening.

Sandyman from Ed Chappell on Vimeo.

Like its protagonist, this short doc is humble and inspiring. Ed Chappell celebrates Geoff’s short-lived work, capturing his concentration, his precise gestures and the moments of reflection. Chappell’s lighting makes it look as if the Sandyman is carrying out his laborious endeavours under the Californian sun but the film is in fact shot in Southern England. There is no commentary or voice over, Chappell has left the slightly eerie, atmospheric soundtrack do the talking. The result is a moving celebration of one of the most ephemeral forms of art by one of the most lasting-cinema, which preserves Geoff’s designs for all to see.

The film is part of the 4th edition Greenhorn Short Film Festival official selection. The fest stands out by its emphasis on very short films and its inclusion of more experimental work and music videos. This year, animation was at the heart of the festival, with screenings of Christine Hooper’s On Loop and The Elephant’s Garden, which you can see here.

Full programme: http://www.greenhornfestival.com/programme-2014/film-programme/


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