Home > Reviews > Shorts > Short of the Week: The Boy and The Sea by Samer Ajouri

Short of the Week: The Boy and The Sea by Samer Ajouri

Monday 17 June 2019, by carrie

This entrancing, hypnotising and moving animation is now available to watch online!

Once upon a time there was a boy who had joy in drawing the sea. One day, into the bottom of the sea he dove, in hope of escaping war and misery.
The story did not begin with the worldwide TV snatched image of the Syrian child Elan, thrown on the Turkish shores by the waves, and it definitely did not end with it.

Once upon a time there was a boy who had joy in drawing the sea.

One day, into the bottom of the sea he dove, in hope of escaping war and misery.

Alas, he found himself trapped amongst swarms of screens that distorted his image and stole his story.

No, the story did not end, images are still flowing and the world is still watching...

Find out more about Samer Ajouri’s work on his website.

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