Home > Reviews > Shorts > Short of the Week: Travellers into the night - Ena Sendijarevic

Short of the Week: Travellers into the night - Ena Sendijarevic

Sunday 30 November 2014, by Lucile Bourliaud

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

A woman of indeterminate age, beautiful but weathered, works in a gas station near a motorway; a small, desolate place, cut-off from everything, visited sporadically by a handful of solitary travellers.

A young man walks in, hands in his pockets, looking scruffy. He wanders around the aisles aimlessly, and when a song starts playing on the radio, he starts dancing. Increasingly amused, the woman turns up the volume....

At the heart of this colourful and captivating short is a stand-out performance by Belgian actress Bien de Moor, embodying one moment the weariness of middle age and the next, the clumsiness of adolescence.
Special mention to Ward Weemhoff who is particularly charismatic as the young man.

Reizigers in de Nacht clip from Ena Sendijarevic on Vimeo.

Below is the teaser for Sendijarevic’s much-anticipated film, Fernweh.

Teaser FERNWEH from Zinzy Nimako on Vimeo.


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