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Short of the week: Sorry I Drowned by Studio Kawakeb and MSF

Wednesday 9 January 2019, by morris

The animation Sorry I Drowned was broadcast on BBC Arabic’s film programme Cinema Badila last week.

This 6-minute animated film “Sorry I Drowned”, created by the Beirut-based Studio Kawakeb and Doctors Without Borders (MSF), is inspired by a letter allegedly found on the body of someone who drowned in the Mediterranean Sea due to the prevailing cynical politics of our day.

The film illustrates the migrant-rejection crisis from the eyes of the migrants taking the Mediterranean route. It speaks about how desperate people are rejected and kicked away in their hour of need, and the consequence of that rejection and inhumane treatment. Although the film illustrates a drowning in the sea, the same rejection and inhumane treatment is taking place in many places on land too.

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