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Screen Extra
Features and discussions around film and other screen-related matters. myDylarama was launched by a collection of academics, researchers and social workers and as such, we like to discuss film in its wider cultural and socio-economic contexts.
Leonore Schick’s TTIP&Feminist Film Saturday
23 August 2015, by Mydylarama teamFor more on the Feminist Film Fest, check out filmmaker and Leonore Schick’s blog article... "The London Feminist Film Festival It Happened Here trigger warning: sexual assault, sexual violence, rape. Initially, I only planned to go along to the Shorts screening. But my friend Emma who does the Resonance radio show with me said we should go along to a documentary about rape on US campuses. I said yes, and met her at the Rio Cinema in Dalston. The film is called It Happened Here. (…) -
Top 5 Fantastical Landscapes
15 August 2015, by Judy HarrisForget CGI, we’re rejoicing in the sensuous pleasures of cardboard and burlap in some of the more ambiguous yet fantastical pro-filmic constructions. Welcome to pasteboard paradise! 5. The Singing Ringing Tree (Francesco Stefani,1957) In this Technicolor kingdom barren trees are laden with silver curling ribbon, giant mechanized goldfish live in frozen lakes and artificial orange coral surrounds waterfalls. This is a Brothers Grimm style fairy tale involving an arrogant princess, a singing (…) -
Q & A with Elizabeth Wood - Founder and Director of Bertha Dochouse
26 March 2015, by Abla KandalaftTo celebrate the opening of Bertha Dochouse at the Curzon Bloomsbury we sat down with Elizabeth Wood to hear her thoughts on the history of Dochouse and the future of documentary. How was DocHouse started? I started the company 12 years ago. It was getting increasingly difficult to see good international documentaries on mainstream telly and no one was showing them in London cinemas at that time. Yet there was this whole world of incredible films that you could only catch at film (…) -
Q and A with Kaleem Aftab, freelance journalist and film critic
22 March 2015, by Abla KandalaftKaleem Aftab is a freelance journalist. He writes primarily for the Independent and is a contributing editor to Interview Magazine, film editor of VS Magazine and editor-at-large for www.the-talks.com. He also regularly contributes to Filmmaker, The National (UAE) and Indiewire. How did you became a film critic? Before I went to university to study law, I interned at the Morning Star in London for 8 months. It was a great grounding, and my articles were mainly about sport and football. (…) -
Q and A with the Leeds Queer Film Fest team
9 August 2014, by Abla KandalaftHow was the festival started? [Queer Mutiny North->http://queermutinynorth.wordpress.com put on the first two festivals. They are a DIY collective that organises lots of events as an alternative to the mainstream gay scene and this is something that was continued by other people. What would you say defines a queer festival or a queer film? We struggled to come up with a single definition of queer as it means something different for different people and any number of things can qualify (…) -
Top 5 Fish in Film
17 July 2014, by Judy HarrisIn anticipation of catching the aquarium scene from The Lady From Shanghai at the BFI later this month MyDylarama’s favourite crustacean celebrates these aquatic wonders. 5. Noodlefish- Jinman Kim (2012) It looks like sand, yet sounds like water. This story of a bored and lonely noodlefish desperate to explore life above sea level takes place in an ocean made of sand with a soundtrack made from water. As good as it feels to set eye against ear it’s when noodlefish flings himself out of (…) -
Top 5 Macabre Party Scene
12 July 2014, by TBrownAnd... we kick off this new section to mydy by revisiting some old favourites and lazily copying and pasting bits of old reviews 1. Nicholas Winding Refn’s Bronson The colourful and surreal portrait of notoriously violent British prisoner Charles Bronson. Lest we forget, Bronson the film features one of the best “macabre party scene”, which involves half a dozen patients gyrating to It’s a sin in a cordoned-off bit of a room during the local asylum’s disco night. I realise I am (…) -
17 juin 2014, par Clotilde CouturierPour dénoncer les injustices du quotidien, CamClash propose de les mettre en scène en caméra cachée. Dangereux mais irrésistible, comme un plat de fugu. -
Q and A Léo Soesanto - film critic and programmer for Semaine de la Critique
9 June 2014, by Mydylarama teamLéo Soesanto is a film critic for culture magazine Les Inrocks, artistic director of the Bordeaux International Film Festival and a member of the selection committee for the feature film competition at La Semaine de la Critique in Cannes. How did you get involved in Semaine de la Critique? Well, I’m a critic and and a member of the film critics union — two conditions which are required in order to be part of the selection committee. They asked me in 2009 and I’ve been doing that since, (…) -
Rencontre avec Takami Productions (Fr)
6 avril 2014, par Eric GNotre équipe a eu le plaisir de rencontrer Karine BLANC et Michel TAVARES de Takami productions lors du dernier festival de Clermont Ferrand. Voici un petit entretien que nous mettons en ligne... Plus d’infos sur Takami : http://takami-productions.com/ TAKAMI PRODUCTIONS est née en 2002 du désir de deux jeunes auteurs réalisateurs , Karine BLANC et Michel TAVARES, de créer une structure indépendante. Sur le chemin qui menait là on a musardé, étudié, sinué, reniflé… Cours Florent, (…)