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Interview with Nick Jordan, director of Stratum

Saturday 20 April 2019, by ARFIS, Elise Loiseau

Interview with the British filmmaker and Clermont favourite Nick Jordan about his short film Stratum.

Stratum is a film that navigates through post-industrial landscapes on the European Route of Industrial Heritage, from Britain’s abandoned South Yorkshire coal seams to the culturally re-purposed collieries of the Ruhr Valley, Germany, via the former coal-mining region of Wallonia, Belgium. Contrasting the past and present, contemporary scenes are combined with archival film material, alongside audio narration from Miserie au Borinage (directed by Henri Storck and Joris Ivens, 1934), made in the depths of the Great Depression.
Official Selection Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival 2019 - Lab Competition

Café court / Expresso Video - Nick Jordan from ClermontFd Short Film Festival on Vimeo.

More about Nick’s work on his website.

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