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Festivals and Events
We like to cover independent and eclectic film festivals whenever and wherever we can, as well as more established festivals’ chosen highlights. We also welcome submissions of coverage.
Encounters Short Film Festival : Short Films - Bold Ideas
1 January 2014, by Elise LoiseauRecap des films récompensés pour l’édition 2013 du festival de court culte en Angleterre -
Underwire 2013 : Valuable (FR/EN)
10 décembre 2013, par Elise LoiseauLisa MacGregor a été sélectionnée pour le festival Underwire, dans la catégorie "Looking Glass : Best Cinematographer". Son film de fin d’étude, Valuable, a été réalisé par son groupe de l’université de Sunderland "Boxed In", qui travaille ensemble depuis deux ans. Connor est passionné de maquettes d’avion qu’il monte soigneusement, dans le silence de son appartement vide. Il doit parfois s’occuper de sa nièce Sophie, qui n’a pas la même notion du soin et de la rigueur que son méticuleux (…) -
Festival Underwire 2013 : le palmarès
10 décembre 2013, par Elise LoiseauPour sa troisième édition, le festival de courts métrages Underwire a élu domicile à Hackney, au nord est de Londres. Depuis trois ans maintenant Underwire s’est donné pour mission de prendre à bras le corps le problème de la sous-représentation des femmes dans l’industrie du cinéma. The Yard Theatre à Hackney était the place to be du 18 au 23 novembre dernier. L’équipe d’Underwire, portée par la volonté de faire réfléchir au problème de l’égalité homme-femme et de faire avancer la cause, (…) -
Semaine de la Critique - Cannes Film Festival 2013 Recap
26 May 2013, by Abla KandalaftThe Semaine de la Critique is already in its 52nd year and has revealed some of the biggest names in cinema by showcasing first and second shorts and features. The 4 prizes are awarded by journalists and film critics and the festival itself is run by the French Union of Film Critics. Aside from their screenings in Cannes, the films are subsequently shown throughout the region, then in Paris in June and in Beirut in July. La Semaine de la Critique can now boast as solid a place in Cannes as (…) -
Flying Paper (2013)
20 May 2013, by Tilly LunkenFlying Paper (2013) Nitin Sawhney and Roger Hill is the sort of film that captures your heart as much as your politics. -
Blood on the Condor (1969)
20 May 2013, by Tilly LunkenIn the programs for film festivals there are always a few films that on the surface appear a little out of place. Blood on the Condor directed by Jorge Sanjines is a 1969 film set in Bolivia and yet, it deeply resonates through our contemporary life and understanding of the occupied Palestinian State. -
Nuevos Talentos - London Argentine Film Fest 2013
13 May 2013, by Ray KeeneYeguas y cotorras, Dir: Natalia Garagiola, Argentina, 2012, 28 min. The stand out of the afternoon. Beautifully shot and deftly constructed. Delfina and her two friends go to her family’s manor house to spend one day together before her wedding guests arrive. The intimacy and the tension between the three women deftly mined, creating gravity and intrigue, making it the most satisfying piece of the six. Cast: Julia Martínez Rubio, Guillermina Pico, Pilar Benítez Vibart, Federico García, (…) -
Shorts Programme - London Palestine Film Fest 2013
13 May 2013, by Alexandra OlleyThe Palestinian Film Festival landed in London last weekend. Never having attended before, I began with Shorts Programme 1, hoping to view a varied range in one sitting. I wasn’t disappointed. This compilation of shorts delivered a high standard of thought provoking, passionate, moving and comic cinema. Beginning with A Sketch of Manners, a film about Alfred Roch, member of the Palestinian National League, who threw the last ever masked ball in Palestine, 1942. It’s a poignant piece (…) -
Pan-Asian Film Festival Premiere + Live Q&A with Ya-Che Yang
11 March 2013, by Jacques BreenThe Pan-Asian Film festival kicked off last night with a unique, UK premiere of Ya-Che Yang’s GF* BF (reviewed here) followed by a Live Q & A with the director. Click here to find out what’s showing at the festival. Transcript of the live Q&A with Director Ya-Che Yang: Q: How did you get such intimate performances from the three actors? I’ve known them since I was 17 years old. Especially two of them. But I didn’t really know them that well, so I got to know them better via (…) -
Nordic Film Festival: Olafur Eliasson Space is Process
6 December 2012, by Tilly LunkenSpace is Process is a documentary that follows Olafur Eliasson in the time leading up to the realisation of his Waterfalls intstallations along the Hudson River and his retrospective exhibition at the MOMA in New York.