Reviews, previews and highlights of features and shorts from the myDylarama team and guest writers.
Video interview with Andrea Brusa & Marco Scotuzzi - Magic Alps
9 February 2018, by Mydylarama teamWe’re kicking off our 9 video interview with Magic Alps - Spoiler alert 2 min in! Le court du jour : “Magic Alps” de Andrea Brusa et Marco Scotuzzi from ClermontFd Short Film Festival on Vimeo. Get in touch or tweet us @mydylarama to find out more about the film and the directors. -
Coups de coeur Brasserie du Court - Clermont-Ferrand 2018
9 February 2018, by Abla Kandalaft, Mydylarama teamAll this week, we’re working directly with the Brasserie to select and highlight 9 coups de coeur films from the Labo, International and National Competitions at the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival. We’ll also be filming interviews with their respective directors and will post these as we go! Here’s a little breakdown of our collaborative selection: MAGIC ALPS This is a very moving, beautiful and funny - courtesy of its animal co-lead - short about an Afghan shepherd (…) -
Short of the Week: Hot Dog Hands by Mark Reynolds
28 September 2017, by Abla Kandalaft, Elizabeth MizonThis truly original yet mildly nauseating multi-award winnerma and Encounters favourite is, in the words of our Bristol-based reviewer Elizabeth Mizon, "a hilarious, touching and disturbing animation about a suburban woman trapped in her home, due to the embarrassment of relentlessly growing loads of fingers." Hot Dog Hands from Matt Reynolds on Vimeo. Check out more of Matt Reynold’s sublime work on his website. -
Interviews : Isabelle Putod, réalisatrice du film L’exilé du temps
14 septembre 2017, par Clotilde CouturierRencontre avec la réalisatrice Isabelle Putod à propos de son court métrage "L’exilé du temps" -
Short of the Week: Q&A with Nick Jordan, director of Thought Broadcasting
1 August 2017, by Brasserie du Court teamThought Broadcasting is a film about psychosis and surveillance. A composite of fact and fiction, the film draws upon real-life accounts of a schizophrenic disorder: the belief that ones thoughts are being transmitted and heard by others. Set against the proliferation of mobile phone masts in the urban and rural landscape, the film reveals a fragmented inner world of paranoid delusions and acute anxiety, off-set by revelations of mass surveillance and data gathering by government security (…) -
Short of the Week: Wañuy - Clermont-Ferrand 2017
21 June 2017, by Abla KandalaftAlejandro Roca Rey’s hauntingly moving film was one of our coups de coeur at this year’s Clermont film festival. Alejandro recently announced Wañuy’s selection at the Palm Springs Festival. Le court du jour : “Wañuy” de Alejandro Roca Rey from ClermontFd Short Film Festival on Vimeo. More on Wañuy on the film’s official Facebook page. -
How To Be Human - SCI-FI LONDON
7 June 2017, by Mydylarama teamIf you were forced to flee your own war-ridden country, would you sacrifice what makes you human to survive? How To Be Human is a crowd-funded ambitious and visually impressive short recently screened at SCI-FI LONDON that follows two sisters, one human, one android, as they escape a devastated, post-apocalyptic London. According to the production team, "the film is about the current refugee crisis but in reverse and we have two British citizens leaving the UK in order to survive." We (…) -
Short of the Week: Q&A with Gunhild Enger & Jenni Toivoniemi, directors of Kommittén
3 June 2017, by Abla KandalaftHow did your collaboration on this film start? We were invited on to the CPH:LAB programme to collaborate and luckily shared the same sense of humour and found the possibility inspiring. For the uninitiated, could you explain a little bit more about this junction between the three countries and its significance? Treriksröset is in Lapland and it’s a ’borderstone’ between Norway, Sweden and Finland. It’s in the middle of the wilderness and a popular place for tourists to visit – even (…) -
Short of the Week : Q&A with Gunhild Enger & Jenni Toivoniemi, directors of Kommittén
9 mai 2017, par Abla KandalaftComment a débuté votre collaboration ? Nous étions invités par l’équipe du programme CPH:LAB à collaborer et heureusement nous partageons le même sens de l’humour, nous avons donc tout de suite donc trouvé cette idée intéressante ! Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas bien la géographie de cette région, pouvez-vous nous en dire plus sur la jonction entre ces trois pays et son importance ? Treriksröset se trouve en Laponie et c’est une pierre qui marque la frontière entre la Norvège, la (…) -
Short of the Week: Squirrel Island - Clermont-Ferrand 2017
23 March 2017, by Abla KandalaftAstrid Goldsmith is an animator based in Kent. Her short, Squirrel Island, was rewarded at the Clermont-Ferrand Film Festival; the craftsmanship displayed and attention to detail were applauded by the festival’s audience and jury alike. We caught up with Astrid to find out more about her approach to animation and sources of inspiration. Le court du jour : “Squirrel island” de Astrid Goldsmith from ClermontFd Short Film Festival on Vimeo. Find out more about Astrid’s work at (…)