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Enemies of Happiness - Best of Dochouse
2 March 2015, by Miranda Mungai
Enemies of Happiness/ Vores lykkes fjender is a powerful exploration of the determination and sheer hard work of Malalai Joya in the ten days leading up to the 2005 Afghanistan elections-the first democratic parliamentary election in over 30 years and the first in which women were allowed to vote. We follow her trials as a female political candidate, accurately self-described as a ‘woman among warlords’. The film hums with the constant buzz of radio announcements and news stories, propelling (…)
It Follows
21 February 2015, by Abla Kandalaft
Critics’ Week’s best film (in this writer’s opinion) has finally landed in the UK. I was surprised -and delighted- to find out a horror film was among the competition’s selection, despite its championing of genre cinema. And I have to admit, shamefully, that I did think chances were it would be a little too experimental and left-field to really provoke genuine scares and jumps and provide pure entertainment. But David Robert Mitchell’s It Follows is, in fact, bone-chillingly enjoyable.
At (…)
The Reel Deal’s Which Films To Watch This Weekend
20 February 2015, by Mydylarama team
Our patners at The Reel Deal’s Films To Watch This Weekend, presented by Joe Forreseter and Rebecca Perfect:
The Reel Deal’s Which Films To Watch This Weekend
13 February 2015, by Mydylarama team
Our patners at The Reel Deal’s Films To Watch This Weekend, presented by Joe Forreseter and Rebecca Perfect, released to coincide with the Clapham PH’s special screening of Love is Strange.
Q and A with Felix Colgrave, director of The Elephant’s Garden
6 February 2015, by Lucile Bourliaud
This is a student film - did you have to respect specific rules? How much time did you have to complete it?
I made the film over the course of 6 months. We were meant to submit a script and storyboard and such at the end of the first 3 months, but I instead submitted a description of the general concept and atmosphere, and a statement saying I was going to make up the film as I went rather than plan everything out. The majority of the creatures were made specifically for the film, however (…)
20 January 2015, by Coco Green
MLK was vilified during his life, martyred after his death and has proved more valuable dead than alive. Now his words are hijacked to support everything from conservative ’individual responsibility’ initiatives to sales during his birthday celebration weekend. Making a film which captured the violence and resilience of the moment without resorting to clichés was almost as impossible as it was for a Negro to vote in 1964 Selma.
Everyone’s a critic, but what’s right about Selma (2014) is (…)
Les héritiers
12 décembre 2014, par Clotilde Couturier
« Les héritiers » : la revanche du noir de cité.
« Les héritiers » est un film de Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar sur une idée originale d’Ahmed Dramé, qui offre une vision différente du jeune de banlieue en échec scolaire et prône la technique éducative de l’autonomie collaborative.
Hector and his search for hapiness (Or how British films suck donkey balls)
12 November 2014, by Tony Hickson
Papa was not a Rolling Stone
5 octobre 2014, par Clotilde Couturier
Plongée à la Courneuve dans la jeunesse du bac 1987 avec « Papa was not a Rolling Stone », un film autobiographique réalisé par Sylvie Ohayon, une autre "boum".
Q and A with Anton Saunders, dir. of Fourever
2 October 2014, by Abla Kandalaft
Anton Saunders directed and starred in Fourever, screened at the Raindance Film Festival (2014).
Anton’s character Johnny, a man struggling to move on from his past, organises a fancy dress soirée with friends he hasn’t seen in ten years. But it is soon apparent that the three friends that turn up had been drawn there under false pretences. As the film progresses, Anton’s real intentions unfold.
The awkward and claustrophobic get-together is punctuated with uncomfortable, tense and (…)