Reviews, previews and highlights of features and shorts from the myDylarama team and guest writers.
Q&A with Bastien Dubois, director of Souvenir Souvenir
28 January 2021, by Clotilde CouturierWhat was your thought process over the years about the desire or need to address this topic, which touches your inner circle as well as the narrative of National History? Hello, so first of all thank you for this interview and thank you for allowing our films to be seen at this time! It’s a difficult question because that’s what the film is all about – why and how I wanted to make this film about my relationship with my grandfather, formerly a conscripted soldier in Algeria. First of all, (…) -
Winter Edition Line-Up!
22 January 2021, by Mydylarama teamThe EFN short film festival winter edition is nearly upon us! Given the roaring success of the last few live-streamed events, the team is once more adopting their winning formula and showing carefully curated early shorts from first time and emerging directors. Once more, two prizes are up for grabs: the audience award and the critics’ prize. Judges this time around are Mydy’s [Abla Kandalaft->, Genesis Cinema’s [Christina (…) -
EFN True Grit Award Winners
6 October 2020, by Abla KandalaftFollowing Emerging Filmmakers Night’s latest edition, True Grit", Mydylarama had a chat with both prize winners about their work, their sources of inspiration and filming during Covid. More about the winning entries, Single and Stretched Out here. First up, Critics’ Prize winner Ashley Eakin who directed Single, talks to us about representations of disabilities on film, shooting in Canada and her many upcoming projects. Audience Prize winner Alastair Train, who won the award for (…) -
TRUE GRIT! EFN reveals its autumn edition...
21 September 2020, by Mydylarama teamAnother trimester, another season, another Emerging Filmmakers Night . Although the apocalypse is kept at bay, Covid is still raging, and given the fun had last time, the team decided to keep their winning formula and hold another live-streamed event on 28 September 2020. And so, in that spirit of enduring resilience, behold the autumn edition: TRUE GRIT! EFN is a festival that celebrates talented filmmakers’s early work and gives a platform to many gems that might not have yet reached the (…) -
Interview with Louis Chan, director of Stationary
3 July 2020, by Abla KandalaftLouis won the Audience Award at the June Emerging Filmmakers Night live-streamed event for his short film Stationary. EFN partner Mydylarama interviewed him the following day, giving him an opportunity to talk at length about his work. Stationary won the Audience Award for the Bottled-Up edition. The characters in Chan’s short are fully-rounded, three-dimensional and fully engaging to watch. Within a restrained setting, he manages to create quite a rich storyline and relationship between (…) -
Interview with Emma Gilbertson, director of Crashing Waves
3 July 2020, by Abla KandalaftEmma won the Critics’ Award at the June Emerging Filmmakers Night live-streamed event. Crashing Waves manages to convey a complex relationship between its protagonists without any dialogue and in such a short amount of time. Emma doesn’t simply rely on the impressive skills of the dancers and the beautiful choreography, she uses a multitude of crafty, cinematic choices, shots and camera angles to weave together a moving, three-dimensional story built on themes of love, masculinity, class (…) -
BOTTLED-UP! The 7 finalists of the next EFN event - 29 June 2020
22 June 2020, by Mydylarama teamEmerging Filmmakers Night is back with another live-streamed film event on 29 June via the official Facebook page’s a very erudite, film-based musing on the concept by EFN team member Ben Plumb. Very much worth a read! GET YOUR FREE TICKETS HERE! THE SHORTLIST 1. Turning Ten, dir. Jaylan Auf Laima, Magdi and Nour their (nearly) ten year-old daughter anxiously await a doctors appointment that is destined to change their lives forever. Auf manages to ratchet up the tension and create (…) -
Short of the Week: Reclaiming Work - Countering the gig economy
15 June 2020, by Abla KandalaftCycle courier cooperatives are turning technology on the gig economy giants. "As a customer, I love the ease of Deliveroo, but I worry about the worker rights, I wish there was a worker-owned alternative," says a commentator on YouTube. Reclaiming Work addresses just that and should be shared far and wide. Made by Cassie Quarless and Usayd Younis of Black and Brown Film, it tells the story of cycle courier cooperatives who offer a fairer alternative to the likes of Deliveroo and Uber and (…) -
Emerging Filmmakers Night - Q&A with Paul Frankl
4 June 2020, by Erifili MissiouPaul is a London based writer and director. His short films have screened at festivals around the world, including Tribeca, Palm Springs, Rhode Island, the Iris Prize and Aesthetica and collectively have over 900,000 views online. EFN have screened his work twice: the multi-award winning ROXANNE was part of our LGBTQ+ event in July and GOLD STAR was part of our livestream event in April! His film The Life Tree is now available to watch on BFI Player, Curzon Home Cinema, iTunes, Google (…) -
Emerging Filmmakers Night - Q&A with Ben Mallaby
22 May 2020, by Erifili MissiouDespite our collective laptop confinement, the EFN team has managed to create a fun and interactive film experience in their 2nd LIVESTREAM event. The multi-award winning directors Francesco Gabrielle, Francesca Fowler and Ben Mallaby livestreamed their films and engaged in an informative and fun Q&A. In real time, the directors answered questions submitted to them by our cinephile audience. We especially enjoyed the two shorts films by BAFTA-nominated comedy director Ben Mallaby (…)